 | Jep Castelein: B2B Marketing Analytics http://bit.ly/cYvkFY #acampnc | 10FEB2010:13:12:03 |
 | oops needs # - latest blog post is re: #acampnc talk with Farhad Islam. Real Time Analytics Take Aways http://goo.gl/fb/DDzz | 10FEB2010:11:05:49 |
 | Thanks Andy for the mention on your blog! RT @gilliatt: 1st #acampnc blog post from someone who wasn't there: http://bit.ly/a9x459 | 10FEB2010:10:50:48 |
 | It was a #SAS Users too: RT @gilliatt: First AnalyticsCamp blog post from someone who wasn't there: http://bit.ly/a9x459 #acampnc | 10FEB2010:10:27:09 |
 | First AnalyticsCamp blog post from someone who wasn't there: http://bit.ly/a9x459 #acampnc | 10FEB2010:10:02:26 |
 | RT @richardfoley Twitter Conversation ppt http://bit.ly/cZsNiv added comments & removed theme faster download #acampnc feedback welcome | 10FEB2010:09:30:36 |
 | Twitter Conversation ppt, http://bit.ly/cZsNiv, added a few comments & removed theme faster download #socialmedia #acampnc feedback welcome | 10FEB2010:08:55:54 |
 | Next #acampnc should have a session on http://Coremetrics.com v. http://Omniture.com v. http://Google.com/Analytics | 10FEB2010:08:13:04 |
 | Nice! RT @SummitStrategy: @jrushin Great running into you at #acampnc - Made mention of you in my recent MarketingSmack - "Tao of Bar Camp" | 09FEB2010:20:59:37 |
 | LOL RT @deanpeters: Scariest thing OH at @AnalyticsCamp "client said everything they tweet would have to go through legal 1st!" #acampnc | 09FEB2010:20:58:27 |
 | @DavidBThomas thx for the zombie nod in your Unconference blog post today. appreciated. http://j.mp/aXGlr8 #[link expired] #acampnc | 09FEB2010:17:01:09 |
 | RT @richardfoley: Uploaded Growing Basil ... ppt, http://bit.ly/aGpysV from #acampnc @analyticist added more verbage and web example #ABT #MVT #DofE | 09FEB2010:16:13:28 |
 | RT @richardfoley Uploaded Growing Basil http://bit.ly/aGpysV from #acampnc @analyticist added more verbage and web example #ABT #MVT #DofE | 09FEB2010:15:23:01 |
 | RT @richardfoley Uploaded Growing Basil http://bit.ly/aGpysV from #acampnc @analyticist added more verbage and web example #ABT #MVT #DofE | 09FEB2010:15:20:21 |
 | Uploaded Growing Basil ... ppt, http://bit.ly/aGpysV from #acampnc @analyticist added more verbage and web example #ABT #MVT #DofE | 09FEB2010:15:06:31 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: Jack Perez: The Tao of Bar Camp http://bit.ly/bII6HC #acampnc | 09FEB2010:14:56:20 |
 | finally uploaded my updated TwitterConversation ppt #acampnc http://bit.ly/cZsNiv @mbagrrl tried to get out of the weeds #socialmedia | 09FEB2010:14:51:46 |
 | @jrushin Great running into you at #acampnc - Made mention of you in my recent MarketingSmack - "Tao of Bar Camp" | 09FEB2010:14:49:29 |
 | @covati Great running into you at #acampnc - Made mention of you in my recent MarketingSmack - "Tao of Bar Camp" | 09FEB2010:14:44:59 |
 | @SummitStrategy Another unconference convert. Glad you risked it. :-) http://bit.ly/bII6HC #acampnc | 09FEB2010:14:39:56 |
 | Jack Perez: The Tao of Bar Camp http://bit.ly/bII6HC #acampnc | 09FEB2010:14:39:13 |
 | @gilliatt Great running into you at #acampnc - Made mention of you in my recent MarketingSmack - "Tao of Bar Camp" | 09FEB2010:14:37:44 |
 | The Tao of Bar Camp www.marketingsmack.wordpress.com. Latest blog about the #acampnc experience | 09FEB2010:14:35:30 |
 | G8 summary of pre & post blogging activity 4 #acampnc RT @gilliatt: Nice to see #acampnc = good blog fodder. http://bit.ly/2DLmfD | 09FEB2010:12:21:01 |
 | Angela Hall: Content Analytics 'All Abouts' http://bit.ly/bWAYm4 #acampnc | 09FEB2010:12:08:02 |
 | Nice to see that #acampnc provided good blog fodder. Starting to see 2nd posts from some bloggers. http://bit.ly/2DLmfD | 09FEB2010:12:07:15 |
 | #acampnc was certainly timely. "Measuring Return on Social Investment" http://j.mp/92FSyb | 09FEB2010:12:03:02 |
 | @chrisgeorge4 awesome list--thank you! #acampnc | 09FEB2010:11:47:53 |
 | Notes on #acampnc presentation from #SAS peep @ManyaMayes in my recent post. http://goo.gl/fb/iV6c | 09FEB2010:11:08:55 |
 | David B. Thomas: My first unconference http://bit.ly/9tMgAn #acampnc | 09FEB2010:10:48:39 |
 | Damond Nollan: Learn How To Increase Your Readers, Followers, Fans, and Buyers http://bit.ly/9zAJcM #acampnc | 09FEB2010:10:48:07 |
 | Couple g8 comments (from 2 attendees #acampnc) on yesterday's blog re: Designing Dashboards Successfully. http://bit.ly/b62X2G | 09FEB2010:10:21:31 |
 | RT @bryanwp: "Someone at AnalyticsCamp asked about free tools, so we started a list. Here's the 1st draft: http://bit.ly/9kwDH1 #acampnc" | 09FEB2010:08:56:27 |
 | "Someone at AnalyticsCamp asked about free tools, so we started a list. Here's the 1st draft: http://bit.ly/9kwDH1 #acampnc" | 09FEB2010:08:55:01 |
 | RT @gilliatt: Someone at AnalyticsCamp asked about free tools, so we started a list. Here's the first draft: http://bit.ly/9kwDH1 #acampnc | 08FEB2010:23:30:56 |
 | "Someone at AnalyticsCamp asked about free tools, so we started a list. Here's the 1st draft: http://bit.ly/9kwDH1 #acampnc" -@waynesutton | 08FEB2010:19:09:42 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: FYI, lunch was from Neomonde. http://bit.ly/cKFkh4 #acampnc -- and it was fantastic. Great choice, guys. | 08FEB2010:19:05:21 |
 | RT @gilliatt: Someone at AnalyticsCamp asked about free tools, so we started a list. Here's the first draft: http://bit.ly/9kwDH1 #acampnc | 08FEB2010:19:00:39 |
 | FYI, lunch was from Neomonde. http://bit.ly/cKFkh4 #acampnc | 08FEB2010:18:29:01 |
 | Scariest thing I heard at @AnalyticsCamp "client said everything they tweet would have to go through legal 1st!" - #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 08FEB2010:17:16:47 |
 | Correction, I was tweeting copiously about what I was learning @AnalyticsCamp - links here http://is.gd/7XURg - #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 08FEB2010:16:55:08 |
 | RT @kellyduffort @gilliatt here's a 1st draft list of free tools via #acampnc - http://bit.ly/9kwDH1 (me: here's 85 more http://is.gd/7XVB4) | 08FEB2010:16:44:09 |
 | RT @gilliatt: Someone at AnalyticsCamp asked about free tools, so we started a list. Here's the first draft: http://bit.ly/9kwDH1 #acampnc | 08FEB2010:16:35:06 |
 | Belated thanks to @gilliatt and all @AnalyticsCamp planners and sponsors @capstrat #SAS #acampnc | 08FEB2010:12:42:05 |
 | I plan to use several! RT @gilliatt: Someone at AnalyticsCamp asked about free tools, so we started a list. http://bit.ly/9kwDH1 #acampnc | 08FEB2010:11:50:28 |
 | RT @gilliatt: Someone at AnalyticsCamp asked about free tools, so we started a list. Here's the first draft: http://bit.ly/9kwDH1 #acampnc | 08FEB2010:11:49:16 |
 | RT @kbodnar32 @gilliatt: Someone at AnalyticsCamp asked about free tools. Here's a draft: http://bit.ly/9kwDH1 #acampnc | 08FEB2010:11:37:38 |
 | RT @kbodnar32 @gilliatt: Someone at AnalyticsCamp asked about free tools. Here's a draft: http://bit.ly/9kwDH1 #acampnc | 08FEB2010:11:37:38 |
 | RT @gilliatt: Someone at AnalyticsCamp asked about free tools, so we started a list. Here's the first draft: http://bit.ly/9kwDH1 #acampnc | 08FEB2010:11:36:15 |
 | Angela Hall: Designing Dashboards Successfully: http://bit.ly/cg0QUS #acampnc | 08FEB2010:11:36:10 |
 | Someone at AnalyticsCamp asked about free tools, so we started a list. Here's the first draft: http://bit.ly/9kwDH1 #acampnc | 08FEB2010:11:31:28 |
 | Notes from dashboard discussion at #acampnc now on my blog http://bit.ly/b62X2G & the @analyticscamp wiki. Pls add ur comments. | 08FEB2010:11:27:17 |
 | This might have found a place at #acampnc as well. "Getting Serious By Segmenting Influencers" http://j.mp/b3H6wH | 08FEB2010:10:30:01 |
 | loved using tweetymail.com during #acampnc saturday. much better option than blackberry app openbeak (ugh). thx @anilchawla! | 08FEB2010:10:22:08 |
 | @manyamayes Great to meet you @AnalyticsCamp. Enjoyed our conversation about text analytics. #acampnc | 08FEB2010:10:07:27 |
 | @hazenj Excellent! Wish I coulda attended your session. Thanks again for the @Capstrat sponsorship! #acampnc | 08FEB2010:09:50:29 |
 | RT @ManyaMayes: Text Analytics for document analysis, TA underpins Sentiment Analysis, and is useful for Social Media Analysis #acampnc | 08FEB2010:09:46:13 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: Jay Dolan (@JayDolan): Analytics Camp, or I Cannot Fathom Numbers http://bit.ly/ddlS00 #acampnc | 08FEB2010:09:31:39 |
 | @jessicaRMurray thanks for pointing everyone to http://ow.ly/14AY6 tweetter graphic, give credit to where it is due...#acampnc | 08FEB2010:09:16:02 |
 | @greggvm sorry you were unable to make it to #acampnc! it was great. we'll have to meet up at another event soon! | 08FEB2010:09:10:22 |
 | We learned adv. segments together :) BTW~ Thx for the shoutout! RT @JayDolan: My #acampnc wrap-up #acampnc http://tumblr.com/xf368rprc | 08FEB2010:09:08:57 |
 | Should have had him @ the final session of #acampnc w/@gilliatt. Would've been interesting. "ROI calculations are a joke" http://j.mp/9whdZG | 08FEB2010:09:07:15 |
 | @analyticicst will add web examples for #MVT #ABTest #DoE ... good idea walk before run...#acampnc #analytics | 08FEB2010:08:59:47 |
 | @mbagrrl @ayb adding more concept information & approach, instead of analytical technique. i'll have links for info on analytics #acampnc | 08FEB2010:08:54:56 |
 | Jay Dolan (@JayDolan): Analytics Camp, or I Cannot Fathom Numbers http://bit.ly/ddlS00 #acampnc | 08FEB2010:08:53:27 |
 | Had a great time attending & presenting @AnalyticsCamp on Saturday. Lots of smart people & smart discussions.Coming back energized. #acampnc | 08FEB2010:08:50:00 |
 | RT @JayDolan: My #acampnc wrap-up @AnalyticsCamp http://tumblr.com/xf368rprc | 08FEB2010:08:43:29 |
 | Going over mentions from #acampnc ,everyone thanks for the comments, revising ppt's based on them. Hope to post ppts today | 08FEB2010:08:42:19 |
 | Would have fit in the discussions at #acampnc. "Corporate Blog Success Begins And Ends With Business Metrics" http://j.mp/aMcea2 | 08FEB2010:07:19:59 |
 | RT @jepc: another affordable way to create a dashboard if you need to mash up data from multiple systems: http://www.gooddata.com #acampnc | 08FEB2010:05:18:15 |
 | RT @JayDolan: My #acampnc wrap-up @AnalyticsCamp http://tumblr.com/xf368rprc | 08FEB2010:00:24:47 |
 | My #acampnc wrap-up @AnalyticsCamp http://tumblr.com/xf368rprc | 08FEB2010:00:23:01 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: Slides from @jepc's B2B Marketing Analytics session: http://bit.ly/dpbcUU #acampnc | 07FEB2010:22:06:50 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: Slides from @jepc's B2B Marketing Analytics session: http://bit.ly/dpbcUU #acampnc | 07FEB2010:22:06:49 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: Slides from @jepc's B2B Marketing Analytics session: http://bit.ly/dpbcUU #acampnc | 07FEB2010:22:06:49 |
 | @Cord BTW, thanks to your gang for the morning treats and coffee yesterday at #acampnc. | 07FEB2010:18:55:58 |
 | .@waynesutton & @lawpower might just have "the" location based service in triout. Was really impressed @ yesterday's #acampnc w/their plans. | 07FEB2010:18:12:14 |
 | .@waynestton & @lawpower might just have "the" location based service in triout. Was really impressed at yesterday's #acampnc w/their plans. | 07FEB2010:18:11:09 |
 | 4hrs away from Nashville, Great #acampnc! I can't wait to see Scooby! I obsessed w/ my dog, I know. | 07FEB2010:16:59:51 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: Slides from @jepc's B2B Marketing Analytics session: http://bit.ly/dpbcUU #acampnc | 07FEB2010:15:48:54 |
 | Slides from @jepc's B2B Marketing Analytics session: http://bit.ly/dpbcUU #acampnc | 07FEB2010:15:46:45 |
 | Gregg Morris: Social Media, Analytics and Story http://bit.ly/d6dpR2 #acampnc | 07FEB2010:15:35:25 |
 | Martin Smith: First Analytics Camp Is A Hit! http://bit.ly/8Ym5P1 #acampnc | 07FEB2010:15:28:01 |
 | First post-conference blog posts starting to appear. Linking to them at the wiki. http://bit.ly/cxkFLT #acampnc | 07FEB2010:15:27:02 |
 | Interesting in light of #acampnc Link analytic data 4 better biz results. "Data marketing 4 Web 3.0" http://j.mp/9RXQlE via @conduityoursite | 07FEB2010:15:09:38 |
 | @ellenlynch One day. I'm trying to write a #acampnc wrap up, and just not feeling it. Stinks being depressive. | 07FEB2010:15:07:45 |
 | In light of yesterday's AnalyticsCamp #acampnc "Socialytics" http://j.mp/cCHGe6 | 07FEB2010:14:23:11 |
 | Agreed! RT @ayb: Yesterday's @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc was impressive. Great people & knowledge. Kudos to @gilliatt for all his hard work! | 07FEB2010:11:53:53 |
 | @AnnaOBrien i met a lady at #acampnc yesterday who actually get's paid to tweet! never thought it was true :) | 07FEB2010:11:05:42 |
 | Yesterday's @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc was pretty impressive. Lots of great people and knowledge. Kudos to @gilliatt for all of his hard work! | 07FEB2010:10:58:05 |
 | @salConigliaro I think Twitter API was @hc and @jrushin did behavioral analytics #acampnc | 07FEB2010:10:31:30 |
 | Anyone know the name of the people that gave the 'Twitter API & Mapping' and 'Behavorial Analytics for Dummies' talks yesterday at #acampnc | 07FEB2010:08:22:05 |
 | Great job @gilliatt on Analytics Camp yesterday. #acampnc | 07FEB2010:07:40:50 |
 | Different take. We talked about these issues in @gilliatt's last session. #acampnc. "The Über-Connected Organization" http://j.mp/aHjPUe | 07FEB2010:07:06:34 |
 | RT @mbagrrl @gilliatt Thank you again for all of your hard work in planning such a great event. #acampnc | 07FEB2010:00:56:28 |
 | @LainieH Thanks! Hope you enjoyed learning at #acampnc as much as I did | 07FEB2010:00:54:21 |
 | thanks @ikongsgf @gilliatt @tong_orn & everyone had a lot of fun ....@varshachawla presentation on its way #acampnc | 06FEB2010:22:33:04 |
 | RT @mbagrrl: @gilliatt Thank you again for all of your hard work in planning such a great event. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:22:24:30 |
 | Done w/my #acampnc tweets, got my SuperBowl menu planned, calling it a night. Tomorrow dedicated 2 cooking, friends and a little football. | 06FEB2010:22:19:57 |
 | @Tong_Orn, @gilliatt One last thanks for Analytics Camp today! Learned a lot. Met interesting folks. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:22:11:56 |
 | what a wonderful day! #acampnc was awesome brain numb'n blast! pizza w kids @PizzaHut! then a pleasant tax return completed/submitted! | 06FEB2010:22:10:33 |
 | Thought a lot about @richardfoley session today on DoE for web #analytics at #acampnc . Convinced we need to walk - #ABtest - before we run. | 06FEB2010:22:07:42 |
 | @JMHall_ LOL! you should have stopped by UNC today! free + grad-school environment, would've gotten free prep up for analytics!! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:22:02:15 |
 | Thanks for attending my session! RT @jepc: @angelahall1 mentions her blog about SAS BI http://bit.ly/28GeJu #acampnc | 06FEB2010:21:59:17 |
 | RT @ellenlynch: Best session of #acampnc is @angelahall1 teaching me, @jaydolan @rachealy Google analytics 101 for dummies | 06FEB2010:21:56:51 |
 | Most fun! RT @bmcd67: @angelahall1 = Google Analytics training w @JayDolan @ellenlynch @rachealy. http://twitpic.com/11s1ch #acampnc | 06FEB2010:21:56:41 |
 | RT @mbagrrl: @gilliatt Thank you again for all of your hard work in planning such a great event. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:21:27:38 |
 | @gilliatt Thank you again for all of your hard work in planning such a great event. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:21:20:43 |
 | Finally home from #acampnc (and I live 30 minutes away). Great day, everybody brought so much. Tired now. :-) | 06FEB2010:21:01:38 |
 | @hornpolish and one more shout out to @kristinevick for #SAS sponsorship of AnalyticsCamp #acampnc | 06FEB2010:20:48:04 |
 | @gilliatt AWESOME JOB! Thanks so much for all your hard work on #acampnc. Please keep me informed of other events. | 06FEB2010:20:45:08 |
 | RT @LainieH: cool, looking at JMP Basil Choice Model from @RichardFoley #SAS #acampnc | 06FEB2010:20:15:32 |
 | ditto -- thanks @gilliatt @tong_orn & everyone! RT @LainieH @ikongsgf thank you so much for your part in organizing this gr8 conf! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:20:08:06 |
 | @knightstivender Check out the #acampnc convo, was a great @AnalyticsCamp today and some great links in the hashtag. | 06FEB2010:20:05:50 |
 | thanks @gilliatt @tong_orn & everyone! RT @LainieH @ikongsgf thank you so much for your part in organizing this great conference! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:19:55:41 |
 | RT @DavidBThomas Great job to @gilliatt and team for planning @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc today. Great conference. /via @waynesutton | 06FEB2010:19:43:29 |
 | Glad I hurried back from #acampnc to grab some cups-o-cake and meet the @JustCrumb folks. http://myloc.me/3z9Tz | 06FEB2010:19:30:30 |
 | .@covati by the way your session was great & I enjoyed your slide pictures at #acampnc. Sorry had to leave early to get ready for mine. | 06FEB2010:19:18:05 |
 | .@jakrose ha, depends on the time but I would. My Mon. is crazy. Was telling @JessicaRMurray that today at #acampnc. Missing my 1st @sofresh | 06FEB2010:19:13:44 |
 | RT @JayDolan: I don't think I can thank @angelahall1 enough for her Google Analytics hands on today! #acampnc [sorry I missed this!] | 06FEB2010:19:11:38 |
 | I don't think I can thank @angelahall1 enough for her Google Analytics hands on today! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:19:07:11 |
 | @angelahall1 conducting Google Analytics training with @JayDolan @ellenlynch @rachealy. http://twitpic.com/11s1ch #acampnc | 06FEB2010:18:54:25 |
 | RT @ayb: intense session at #acampnc by @RichardFoley talking about text analytics and data mining of tweets | 06FEB2010:18:51:56 |
 | RT @ayb: intense session at #acampnc by @RichardFoley talking about text analytics and data mining of tweets | 06FEB2010:18:46:26 |
 | #acampnc Excellent event! Thanks to sponsors, presentors and participants. I look forward to continuing the conversations. | 06FEB2010:18:36:48 |
 | We kind of touched on this in @waynesutton's & @gilliatt's sessions . #acampnc "Augmented Reality for Mobile Advertising" http://j.mp/akOzfQ | 06FEB2010:18:14:14 |
 | Great job to @gilliatt and team for planning @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc today. Great conference. (via @waynesutton) Definitely! Great job! | 06FEB2010:17:58:38 |
 | Thanks to all involved with @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc . Fun, informative, well worth a Saturday. Letting it soak in over Cup-A-Joe's latte. | 06FEB2010:17:54:11 |
 | Thanks to all of the presenters & session leaders at @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc for the great discussions and generous donation of their time! | 06FEB2010:17:54:05 |
 | RT @kellyduffort Wow! @deanpeters wrote "Son of Web Pages that Suck." (me: @VincentFlanders wrote the book, I contributed content) #acampnc | 06FEB2010:17:52:46 |
 | RT @LainieH: @ikongsgf thank you so much for your part in organizing this great conference! well done.. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:17:51:49 |
 | And thanks to SAS for the wonderful lunch @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc ! And to Capstrat for coffee and pastries! Quite a community we have. | 06FEB2010:17:51:18 |
 | RT @DavidBThomas Great job @gilliatt and team for planning @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc today. Great conference. via @waynesutton [yes it was!] | 06FEB2010:17:49:16 |
 | @ikongsgf thank you so much for your part in organizing this great conference! well done.. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:17:49:01 |
 | Great job to @gilliatt and team for planning @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc today. Great conference. /via @waynesutton | 06FEB2010:17:48:05 |
 | RT @waynesutton: Great job to @gilliatt and team for planning @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc today. Great conference. | 06FEB2010:17:42:24 |
 | @markwschaefer I'm looking forward to it. I've looked into a few and just shake my head. Just got back from #acampnc. Terrific unconference! | 06FEB2010:17:40:06 |
 | RT @waynesutton: Great job to @gilliatt and team for planning @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc today. Great conference. [+1] | 06FEB2010:17:39:09 |
 | @centernetworks @JessicaRandazza learning from #acampnc @AnalyticsCamp : pick tools, measure, use google analytics, paid tools, track, etc. | 06FEB2010:17:36:47 |
 | RT @waynesutton Great job to @gilliatt and team for planning @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc today. Great conference. | 06FEB2010:17:31:46 |
 | Great job to @gilliatt and team for planning @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc today. Great conference. | 06FEB2010:17:28:44 |
 | Great session! Love that ur slides maxed out at 4 words! RT @covati: Thanks everyone who came to my Social Media Impact session at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:17:24:45 |
 | Great presentations by @covati @jeffreylcohen @waynesutton and others at a very successful #acampnc @AnalyticsCamp | 06FEB2010:17:22:35 |
 | Totally agree! Great event! May recreate in Bay Area. RT @ChrisGTaylor: Thank you! Great Job. Worth 9 hour drive to Analytics Camp #acampnc | 06FEB2010:17:21:41 |
 | RT @jepc: another affordable way to create a dashboard if you need to mash up data from multiple systems: http://www.gooddata.com #acampnc | 06FEB2010:17:01:24 |
 | RT @bmcd67: Thanks to everyone for coming out to Analytics Camp and to @sas @capstrat and @unc for sponsorship. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:59:45 |
 | Thank you! Great Job. Worth the 9 hour drive r to Analytics Camp and to @sas @capstrat and @unc for sponsorship. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:55:37 |
 | RT @bmcd67: Thanks to everyone for coming out to Analytics Camp and to @sas @capstrat and @unc for sponsorship. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:54:30 |
 | Me too, thks raf! ;)RT @VarshaChawla: @richardfoley: Missing ur sess :-( Can I gt slides/notes latr? My basil plants r dying. #acampnc #doe | 06FEB2010:16:54:01 |
 | Best session of #acampnc is @angelahall1 teaching me, @jaydolan @rachealy Google analytics 101 for dummies | 06FEB2010:16:50:00 |
 | RT @bmcd67: Thanks to everyone for coming out to Analytics Camp and to @sas @capstrat and @unc for sponsorship. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:48:05 |
 | RT @bmcd67: Thanks to everyone for coming out to Analytics Camp and to @sas @capstrat and @unc for sponsorship. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:45:46 |
 | Thanks to everyone for coming out to Analytics Camp and to @sas @capstrat and @unc for sponsorship. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:45:04 |
 | RT @brandonpierce: "If you're the mayor of a facility you don't want to be the mayor of..." hiring considerations, said Michael in Social Intelligence #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:39:48 |
 | RT @JessicaRMurray: 5 Modes of Listening according to @Gilliatt 1.search,2. alert,3. monitoring,4. measuring and 5.miming #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:39:13 |
 | "If you're the mayor of a facility you don't want to be the mayor of..." hiring considerations, said Michael in Social Intelligence #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:29:07 |
 | RT @kellyduffort: Wow! @deanpeters wrote "Son of Web Pages that Suck." Read that book years ago in web design kindergarten/my early web days. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:24:35 |
 | Wow! @deanpeters wrote "Son of Web Pages that Suck." Read that book years ago in web design kindergarten/my early web days. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:21:26 |
 | discussing expanded ideas of social media with @gilliatt #acampnc there really is a new method every day - battle of who is more informed | 06FEB2010:16:20:20 |
 | Listening to @gilliatt talk to the coming convergence between social media and business intelligence #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:19:47 |
 | @trebek14 @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc just today. It's been awesome! I've been a little sponge to all the information. | 06FEB2010:16:17:06 |
 | @damondnollan Social Intelligence... But you already knew that. ;-) #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:15:04 |
 | Thanks everyone who came to my 2nd presentation on google analytics at #acampnc (thanks to John for being the co-presenter) | 06FEB2010:16:13:28 |
 | 5 Modes of Listening according to @Gilliatt 1.search,2. alert,3. monitoring,4. measuring and 5.miming #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:12:50 |
 | Listening to @deanpeters "50 Ways to Use Your Numbers" #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:10:30 |
 | Big thanks to @lawpower for coming to #acampnc @AnalyticsCamp joining the Location Based Analytics - Measuring the Check-ins talk @TriOut | 06FEB2010:16:09:25 |
 | Decided to get my money's worth and stick it out for the last session of Analytics Camp. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:16:09:20 |
 | How nice.. I just met two #SAS Users at #acampnc who will be at #SGF10 :) | 06FEB2010:16:06:47 |
 | RT @DavidBThomas: Great interaction in @waynesutton @lawpower 's talk on location-based apps. #acampnc / thanks! | 06FEB2010:16:00:24 |
 | Adhoc mtg in cafe on 'google analytics for dummies'. @ellenlynch @jaydolan joining in for basic discussion. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:58:47 |
 | RT @jepc: another affordable way to create a dashboard if you need to mash up data from multiple systems: http://www.gooddata.com #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:55:27 |
 | All these @JustCrumb posts are too much. Ducking out of of #acampnc to head back to Raleigh for some cups-o-cake (if I make it in time) | 06FEB2010:15:53:47 |
 | @damondnollan what are you going to next? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:50:54 |
 | Scary scenarios of location-based analytics of the future. Apps that know where you are without a check-in? Yikes. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:47:36 |
 | @JayDolan Reading the feed, I'm having a little bail out regret so I hope to read about it on @theantimedia! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:41:00 |
 | @damondnollan thanks! That's going to be very helpful. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:37:00 |
 | @Anj121 It's a bit everywhere. Learning some, bored to tears elsewhere. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:32:41 |
 | Anyone have a good link to Google Analytics tutorials? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:32:11 |
 | GreaseMonkey is your friend when you want to extend GoogleAnalytics - @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:15:31:51 |
 | The location based session at #acampnc is rockin! Nice work @waynesutton and @lawpower | 06FEB2010:15:29:53 |
 | Interesting #analyticscamp point - real opportunity to build the adwords for location-based marketing #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:29:38 |
 | RT @ikongsgf: "0ur customers feel the variance not the mean" GE via @richardfoley #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:29:30 |
 | @JayDolan Is your head above the water or are you drowning? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:28:47 |
 | Guy in front of me at #acampnc is looking at rings on Amazon. Valentine's proposal perhaps? | 06FEB2010:15:28:24 |
 | @richullman, no worries Rich, many questions about Ripple6 from my friends and followers including today at Analytics Camp. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:26:54 |
 | "0ur customers feel the varianCe not the mean" GE via @richardfoley #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:26:38 |
 | RT @williamskim: http://twitpic.com/11qppp - Listening to @waynesutton talking about Location Based Analytics. #acampnc (via @brandonpierce) = geek! ;) | 06FEB2010:15:24:31 |
 | http://twitpic.com/11qppp - Listening to @waynesutton talking about Location Based Analytics. #acampnc (via @brandonpierce) = geek! ;) | 06FEB2010:15:22:40 |
 | RT @covati: 75% of the people in @covati 's session #acampnc are using social media for business. How many getting hard #s? Zero. (via @DavidBThomas) | 06FEB2010:15:21:55 |
 | @richardfoley...Missing your session :-( Can I get slides / notes later? My basil plants are dying. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:20:40 |
 | With Google Analytics, ignore the numbers, focus trends - @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:15:17:10 |
 | http://twitpic.com/11qppp - Listening to @waynesutton talking about Location Based Analytics. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:16:59 |
 | Great interaction in @waynesutton @lawpower 's talk on location-based apps. Everybody's tossing out great ideas. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:16:46 |
 | @gilliatt ironically , he's in the location based aps section! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:15:26 |
 | @gilliatt Ahhhh...You just saved me. THX #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:15:03 |
 | RT @angelahall1: Listening to tri-out.com guys re: location based analytics. #acampnc great conference! | 06FEB2010:15:14:18 |
 | @ilinap Seats are height-adjustable. Reach down to your right. (Fancy, ain't it?) #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:11:57 |
 | Location based apps Why you should install MY iPhone app : Christopher S. Penn's Awaken Your Superhero http://ow.ly/14D9p #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:11:39 |
 | RT @analyticist: Guaranteed Fail: Treat social media as advertising. It's CRM, stupid. #analytics #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:09:50 |
 | Yes, I'm the guy who tweeted "Google Analytics is the 'gateway drug' for analytics" @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:15:08:47 |
 | Thanks everyone who came to my Social Media Impact session at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:05:44 |
 | @richarfoley showing a layout of his garden to exlain DOE #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:05:42 |
 | sitting in @RichardFoley 's session at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:04:31 |
 | Found room B. Listening to @lawpower and @waynesutton talk location based apps at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:03:42 |
 | RT @analyticist: Guaranteed Fail: Treat social media as advertising. It's CRM, stupid. #analytics #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:03:42 |
 | Listening to tri-out.com guys re: location based analytics. #acampnc great conference! | 06FEB2010:15:03:37 |
 | 75% of the people in @covati 's session #acampnc are using social media for business. How many getting hard #s? Zero. (via @DavidBThomas) | 06FEB2010:15:02:54 |
 | RT @JeffreyLCohen: Go @waynesutton and @lawpower for location based app session at #acampnc #triout | 06FEB2010:15:02:22 |
 | RT @analyticist: Guaranteed Fail: Treat social media as advertising. It's CRM, stupid. #analytics #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:02:09 |
 | Sitting in @waynesutton and @lawpower session on location based networks. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:15:01:12 |
 | Just checked out some pretty sweet twitter apps with @hc and other #acampnc peeps. Social collider made my head explode. | 06FEB2010:14:58:55 |
 | @KeAnne should meetup with @waynesutton at #acampnc if you haven't already smart peeps all around | 06FEB2010:14:58:46 |
 | Attending growing Basil session by @richardfoley #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:57:22 |
 | @richardfoley says to tweet during his session on Basil - someone thought Basil is an analytics platform - good name for one #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:57:11 |
 | G8 group at my dashboarding talk. Lots of discussions and ideas! Blog post will be forthcoming. #acampnc http://sas-bi.blogspot.com | 06FEB2010:14:56:20 |
 | Listening to @richardfoley on a|b test vs. design of experiments at @analyticscamp #acampnc #measure | 06FEB2010:14:55:58 |
 | Guaranteed Fail: Treat social media as advertising. It's CRM, stupid. #analytics #acampnc http://bit.ly/bVbnQD | 06FEB2010:14:55:07 |
 | Go @waynesutton and @lawpower for location based app session at #acampnc #triout | 06FEB2010:14:54:29 |
 | Searching in vain for room B at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:53:14 |
 | Guaranteed Fail: Treat social media as advertising. It's CRM, stupid. #analytics #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:52:32 |
 | Hi new tweep followers from @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc - I'll follow you when I get home tonight - #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:14:51:34 |
 | Just had an impromptu tweetup with @w9 at #acampnc -- talking about our mariocart race last Saturday | 06FEB2010:14:50:38 |
 | Free tools suggestion: tynt.com, see what content users are copying from your site, track clickbacks. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:50:34 |
 | Nice @lawpower of @TriOut is in the building for #acampnc @AnalyticsCamp session topic: Location Based Analytics - Measuring the Check-ins | 06FEB2010:14:49:36 |
 | #acampnc wow I'm tweeting!!! | 06FEB2010:14:45:03 |
 | Thx 4 tweeting my B2B Marketing Analytics talk @bmcd67 @j_t_moore @KeAnne @ChrisGTaylor @jeffSanGeorge @jeffreylcohen @jkennedy #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:43:18 |
 | Ah ha! Jeff Cohen just reminded me Hootsuite can help manage posts to FB fan pages! WooT! Life just got easier #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:43:10 |
 | Discussing Twitter API & whitelisting & caching @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:14:42:45 |
 | 85 Twitter Tools http://bit.ly/bIUxWJ @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:14:40:59 |
 | Hope somebody's planning to blog about these sessions. Since I can't be in 2-3 at once, you know. #acampnc (via @gilliatt) Ditto! | 06FEB2010:14:40:31 |
 | is having great success, learning a lot, meeting smart folks at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:39:45 |
 | @brandonpierce I'll catch up with you on the break, where to next? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:39:09 |
 | @VarshaChawla you were being good in the front row :).. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:38:13 |
 | RT @jepc: @angelahall1 mentions her blog about SAS BI http://sas-bi.blogspot.com/ #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:34:57 |
 | Listening to @Covati of @argylesocial speaking on social media impact at #acampnc @AnalyticsCamp http://flic.kr/p/7B48Sz | 06FEB2010:14:34:44 |
 | An underutilized tool for monitoring: addictomatic #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:34:43 |
 | Listening to @Covati of @argylesocial speaking on social media impact at #acampnc @AnalyticsCamp http://post.ly/MWLu | 06FEB2010:14:34:28 |
 | RT @salConigliaro: Sharing: @tweepsapp for the iPhone helps you see the relationship of your friends at #acampnc http://bit.ly/6gtTfY | 06FEB2010:14:34:26 |
 | LOL! I dont c it RT @LainieH: My right shoe just fell down to second row in @angelahall1's great session..but don't want to disrupt #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:33:47 |
 | @angelahall1 mentions her blog about SAS BI http://sas-bi.blogspot.com/ #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:32:47 |
 | RT @jepc: talked about http://www.youcalc.com as a cheap way to create a dashboard #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:32:38 |
 | RT @jepc: talked about http://www.youcalc.com as a cheap way to create a dashboard #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:31:50 |
 | RT @jepc: talked about http://www.youcalc.com as a cheap way to create a dashboard #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:31:49 |
 | great session @angelahall! !! :) her blog: http://www.sas-bi.blogspot.com #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:31:46 |
 | RT @LainieH: great session @angelahall! !! :) her blog: http:// sas-bi.blogspot.com #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:31:30 |
 | another affordable way to create a dashboard if you need to mash up data from multiple systems: http://www.gooddata.com #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:31:23 |
 | @waynesutton got to love it wayne...that's what makes #acampnc great | 06FEB2010:14:30:38 |
 | RT @ikongsgf: @jrushin of @quantivo says there is already 45 GB of behavioral data per human and growing #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:30:18 |
 | talked about http://www.youcalc.com as a cheap way to create a dashboard #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:29:59 |
 | Friends and followers are not a reflection of engagement. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:29:20 |
 | Hope somebody's planning to blog about these sessions. Since I can't be in 2-3 at once, you know. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:25:47 |
 | "in excel you can only do so much what if analysis" says @angelhall1 #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:24:26 |
 | Being that I pitched a session at #acampnc @AnalyticsCamp off the top of my head, I'm now creating an agenda/outline for the session... | 06FEB2010:14:24:15 |
 | @angelahall1 is doing a great job.. lots of discussion and new ideas about BI dashboards!! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:23:47 |
 | RT @ChrisGTaylor: YouTube - My Mom's On Facebook http://ow.ly/14Ci2 #acampnc You might find this funny! | 06FEB2010:14:21:54 |
 | Imagine a speaker at a podium losing control of microphone due to tweets @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters #hr | 06FEB2010:14:21:40 |
 | @deanpeters just tried to get my shoe under these tables.. not luck #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:21:35 |
 | RT @LainieH My right shoe just dropped to 2nds row in @angelahall1's session, but don't want to disrupt #acampnc (me: you SAS girls behave!) | 06FEB2010:14:20:04 |
 | What questions should you ask when developing a BI dashboard? asks @angelahall1 #acampnc (via @LainieH) Don't tease! What are they? | 06FEB2010:14:19:28 |
 | good discussions in session about creating dashboards by @angelahall1 #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:18:55 |
 | RT @scenttrail: Tealium = analytics to create social network ROI suggested by @Gilliatt, Analytics Camp http://www.tealium.com #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:18:20 |
 | RT @scenttrail: Tealium = analytics to create social network ROI suggested by @Gilliatt, Analytics Camp http://www.tealium.com #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:18:20 |
 | RT @scenttrail: Tealium = analytics to create social network ROI suggested by @Gilliatt, Analytics Camp http://www.tealium.com #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:18:00 |
 | My right shoe just fell down to second row in @angelahall1's great session..but don't want to disrupt #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:17:17 |
 | RT @salConigliaro: Sharing: @tweepsapp for the iPhone helps you see the relationship of your friends at #acampnc http://bit.ly/6gtTfY | 06FEB2010:14:17:07 |
 | Sharing: @tweepsapp for the iPhone helps you see the relationship of your friends at #acampnc http://bit.ly/6gtTfY | 06FEB2010:14:16:03 |
 | Tealium = analytics to create social network ROI suggested by @Gilliatt, Analytics Camp http://www.tealium.com #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:11:20 |
 | RT @Ilinap: What I believe is paramount, despite techie tools and reports. RT @mbagrrl Best quote today @ilinap "you can't measure humanity" #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:10:49 |
 | RT @kellyduffort: SM Analytics Tool to check out from @gilliatt: http://www.tealium.com/index1.html. My homework assignment. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:10:28 |
 | SM Analytics Tool to check out from @gilliatt: http://www.tealium.com/index1.html. My homework assignment. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:09:16 |
 | What I believe is paramount, despite techie tools and reports. RT @mbagrrl Best quote today @ilinap "you can't measure humanity" #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:09:13 |
 | FYI 20 Metrics To Effectively Track Social Media Campaigns http://ow.ly/14CkH #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:09:01 |
 | Enjoying hearing @covati talk at #acampnc, and enjoyed seeing @MarquetteU got the win and now above .500 in the Big East | 06FEB2010:14:08:26 |
 | YouTube - My Mom's On Facebook http://ow.ly/14Ci2 #acampnc You might find this funny! | 06FEB2010:14:07:55 |
 | At Twitter API & session at @AnalyticsCamp enjoying an under the hood view of @twiangulate #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:14:03:28 |
 | Taking Analytical CRM via UNC EMBA now through May 2nd. @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc is a perfect complement! | 06FEB2010:14:02:47 |
 | a good dea of social media traffic comes up as direct traffic, untrackable #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:02:27 |
 | $12.00-per customer vs 25 cents in self help via forum. Social Media can save money #acampnc | 06FEB2010:14:00:27 |
 | What questions should you ask when developing a Business Intelligence dashboard? asks @angelahall1 #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:59:22 |
 | .@covati is practicing PPT Zen at #acampnc (@ilinap) | 06FEB2010:13:59:13 |
 | Full house for @covati's social media impact session. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:58:50 |
 | If you don't have social media goals, measurements don't mean anything. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:57:34 |
 | Thanks for lunch #SAS! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:57:09 |
 | @covati compares goal to the last page of your story #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:55:34 |
 | Ditto from me! RT @JayDolan: So glad @covati seems to be speaking on my level. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:54:11 |
 | 75% of the people in @covati 's session #acampnc said they're using social media for business. How many getting hard #s? Zero. | 06FEB2010:13:53:09 |
 | RT @jreesnc: Hats off to SAS for the great lunch at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:53:00 |
 | Going to learn about text analytics now #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:52:07 |
 | Attending #acampnc. Great AM. Looking forward to a great PM | 06FEB2010:13:52:03 |
 | RT @kbodnar32: In the first afternoon session at #acampnc with @covati leading and love that he is wearing argyle | 06FEB2010:13:51:55 |
 | @angelahall1 is leading cool discussion about dashboards Room E #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:51:30 |
 | So glad @covati seems to be speaking on my level. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:51:16 |
 | In the first afternoon session at #acampnc with @covati leading and love that he is wearing argyle | 06FEB2010:13:51:05 |
 | listening to @covati talk about social media marketing @ #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:50:38 |
 | listening to @covati talk about social media marketing @ #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:50:38 |
 | Session 3: "Tell Your Social Media Story" by @covati...sounds like this will be good. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:49:21 |
 | Thanks to SAS for the great lunch at #acampnc. | 06FEB2010:13:49:14 |
 | OMG SAS provided an amazing lunch. Full and sleepy now. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:48:37 |
 | Enjoyed chatting with @JessicaRMurray at lunch. Nice to meet you! I look fwd to a #sxsw report. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:48:30 |
 | Waiting for the social media impact session to start at #acampnc and keeping an eye at the @MarquetteU score | 06FEB2010:13:47:37 |
 | RT @jreesnc: Hats off to SAS for the great lunch at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:47:27 |
 | Free tools suggestion: quantcast.com, competitive media measurement, hybrid model if you carry their tag. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:46:42 |
 | Hats off to SAS for the great lunch at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:45:48 |
 | RT @mbagrrl: I disagree RT @JessicaRMurray @dogfishbeer is at #acampnc but no beer w/ lunch Geeks gone wild wouldn't make for a successful analytics camp | 06FEB2010:13:44:13 |
 | looking forward to Social Media Impact session at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:39:56 |
 | These little nerf rockets from @capstrat are dangerous...watch your back #acampnc... | 06FEB2010:13:37:03 |
 | Is @allaboutbeer here @AnalyticsCamp? #acampnc wanted to connect if so.... | 06FEB2010:13:36:21 |
 | RT @angelahall1: Sitting w @lainieh @deanpeters and @chrisgtaylor at the awesome #sas lunch @analyticscamp #acampnc. Thx sas!! | 06FEB2010:13:33:30 |
 | RT @hc: RT @deanpeters: How to Make a Heatmap, a Quick & Easy Solution (using R) http://bit.ly/aeo7w0 #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:31:36 |
 | Sitting w @lainieh @deanpeters and @chrisgtaylor at the awesome #sas lunch @analyticscamp #acampnc. Thx sas!! | 06FEB2010:13:29:10 |
 | Glad u liked it! RT @SummitStrategy: Thanks #Quantivo #acampnc. Nice presentation on behavioral analytics | 06FEB2010:13:29:07 |
 | RT @damondnollan: Take a look at compete.com for basic information on competititon. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:28:51 |
 | take a "Dummies" book in the cafe! ;-) RT @JayDolan: wish there was better way to know levels of each talk at #acampnc. too advanced for me | 06FEB2010:13:28:17 |
 | waynesutton: @JessicaRandazza doing well, attending @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc at UNC today and ready for #SXSW! | 06FEB2010:13:27:52 |
 | Love the #acampnc @AnalyticsCamp lunch time convo. with @jreesnc @jeffreylcohen @kbodnar32 & @damondnollan - qrcodes, check-ins, etc | 06FEB2010:13:26:33 |
 | True! RT @mbagrrl: So far highlights of #acampnc are the pretty sinks in 2nd fl bathroom and using a dyson hand dryer #designnerd | 06FEB2010:13:25:31 |
 | True! RT @mbagrrl: So far highlights of #acampnc are the pretty sinks in 2nd fl bathroom and using a dyson hand dryer #designnerd | 06FEB2010:13:25:31 |
 | Not when u can't access raw GA data... RT @deanpeters: Google Analytics is 'starter drug' of #wa, democratizing BI @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:24:58 |
 | I disagree RT @JessicaRMurray @dogfishbeer is at #acampnc but no beer w/ lunch Geeks gone wild wouldn't make for a successful analytics camp | 06FEB2010:13:24:39 |
 | RT @JessicaRMurray: @dogfishbeer is @ #acampnc -unfortunately no beer w/lunch...geeks gone wild wldn't make for a successful analytics camp | 06FEB2010:13:23:13 |
 | RT @damondnollan: Want to sell more milk? Put cookies on sale. (lesson on affinity) #acampnc http://myloc.me/3yQle | 06FEB2010:13:21:45 |
 | We have far too much food at @AnalyticsCamp. Suggestions on getting the extra to someone who needs it? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:17:52 |
 | Best quote today @ilinap "you can't measure humanity" #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:16:39 |
 | thx! RT @jepc: These are my presentation slides on B2B Marketing Analytics (AnalyticsCamp, UNC Chapel Hill) http://bit.ly/bG8Ql7 #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:05:26 |
 | thx! RT @jepc: These are my presentation slides on B2B Marketing Analytics (AnalyticsCamp, UNC Chapel Hill) http://bit.ly/bG8Ql7 #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:05:26 |
 | RT @damondnollan: Want to sell more milk? Put cookies on sale. (lesson on affinity) #acampnc http://myloc.me/3yQle | 06FEB2010:13:05:06 |
 | These are my presentation slides on B2B Marketing Analytics (AnalyticsCamp, UNC Chapel Hill) http://bit.ly/bG8Ql7 #acampnc | 06FEB2010:13:02:52 |
 | Good times at #acampnc - lots of great discussions about all things #measure! Local #analytics talent and UNC mba students are impressive! | 06FEB2010:12:57:11 |
 | Good times at #acampnc - lots of great discussions about all things #measure! Local #analytics talent and UNC mba students are impressive! | 06FEB2010:12:57:11 |
 | LungMutiny2010 toll - missed #WRALtweetup & Gil Scott-Heron yesterday, #acampnc & Bob Marley Birthday Bash @CatsCradleNC today | 06FEB2010:12:46:19 |
 | Great time at #acampnc. Just gave a impromptu intro talk on google analytics | 06FEB2010:12:41:32 |
 | What's for lunch ? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:39:46 |
 | @dogfishbeer is at #acampnc but unfortunately no beer w/ lunch...geeks gone wild wouldn't make for a successful analytics camp. | 06FEB2010:12:38:03 |
 | @dogfishbeer I do some work with Beach DD in Rehoboth & would love to see if any partnership/co-promo opportunities. I'm at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:34:04 |
 | Aren't free tools really just free toys? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:32:54 |
 | I can't remember...is there a session on predictive analytics? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:31:40 |
 | at AnalyticsCamp discussing how to use metrics to measure marketing and social media #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:31:33 |
 | http://twitpic.com/11ppt1 - Real time analytics on old school blackboards. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:30:29 |
 | Hey #acampnc cohorts! Follow @dogfishbeer, your source for all Dogfish info! My Twitter is a personal account covering beer, marketing, misc | 06FEB2010:12:28:02 |
 | RT @americaneaglenc: RT @kellyduffort: What turns a once/month visitor into a two-times/month visitor? Determine the content that they want and need. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:27:46 |
 | Chewing on the Analytics camp tweets/ideas, checkin out that social graph action via http://hashparty.com/acampnc #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:27:44 |
 | Google Analytics is the 'starter drug' of web metrics tools, democratizing BI - @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:12:27:33 |
 | getclicky.com, alexa.com, tynt.com more free tools #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:27:11 |
 | RT @mbagrrl: So far highlights of #acampnc are the pretty sinks in 2nd fl bathroom and using a dyson hand dryer #designnerd | 06FEB2010:12:26:03 |
 | RT @deanpeters: How to Make a Heatmap, a Quick & Easy Solution (using R)- http://bit.ly/aeo7w0 - @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:12:26:00 |
 | @waynesutton you can use ScoutLabs for basic cause/effect listening provided your offline event impacted the online #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:25:12 |
 | Yes! RT @gilliatt: Question about free analytics tools. Look for a poster near the schedule grid to add your ideas to the list. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:24:58 |
 | So far highlights of #acampnc are the pretty sinks in 2nd fl bathroom and using a dyson hand dryer #designnerd | 06FEB2010:12:24:54 |
 | @analyticist tells re: web tools: quantcast, compete.com #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:24:28 |
 | Question about free analytics tools. Look for a poster near the schedule grid to add your ideas to the list. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:23:43 |
 | Wanted: one social media metric dashboard to rule them all #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:23:26 |
 | #acampnc lesson learned: my tweets are of low value to the world b/c I am all over the place and tweet personal stuff. oh well. c'est la vie | 06FEB2010:12:22:25 |
 | i KNEW @waynesutton would win a popularity contest at #acampnc http://bit.ly/acampnc (courtesy of @Twiangulate) | 06FEB2010:12:22:15 |
 | Met fellow sas employee @analyticscamp #acampnc @kimberlyweller before real time analytics session. Cool conference! | 06FEB2010:12:22:12 |
 | RT @deanpeters: How to Make a Heatmap, a Quick & Easy Solution (using R) http://bit.ly/aeo7w0 #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:22:02 |
 | Nice hashtag marketing from #acampnc: #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:12:21:53 |
 | how to measure social media ROI, no good answers yet... #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:21:46 |
 | @gilliatt sez "everyone wants to do better business analytics and we're here to make sure the Triangle takes the lead." #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:20:08 |
 | How to Make a Heatmap, a Quick & Easy Solution (using R)- http://bit.ly/aeo7w0 - @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:12:20:00 |
 | I <3 my free #acampnc email alerts! http://bit.ly/9SOMsp | 06FEB2010:12:16:56 |
 | @RichardFoley using txt analytics to find ppl to follow is pretty cool. What if u don't know what topics u should be interested in? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:15:33 |
 | "2 years ago really bad time to go IPO" great quote by @jepc #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:14:26 |
 | Question: What tools do you use to track offline campaigns in the online world? via @hazenj 's measuing online/offline campaigns #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:14:25 |
 | @jkennedy93 Yes, but debate was value of Twitter as marketing tool considering those numbers. Nugget to consider for sm strategy. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:14:00 |
 | Help me choose next session: Twitter API/mapping, Integrated Text Analytics, or Moving from Reporting to Advanced Analytics? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:12:25 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: Sessions and updated schedule are on the wiki. http://bit.ly/dAcCPP #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:12:19 |
 | intense session at #acampnc by @RichardFoley talking about text analytics and data mining of tweets | 06FEB2010:12:12:09 |
 | like the idea of @AnalyticsCamp - happening now http://bit.ly/92o0vp #acampnc via @ManyaMayes | 06FEB2010:12:11:55 |
 | Obtaining sales input into metrics and mkt plan helps their involvement #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:11:14 |
 | @analyticist doing great job leading Web Analytics discussion #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:10:56 |
 | RT @waynesutton: RT @AnalyticsCamp: Sessions and updated schedule are on the wiki. http://bit.ly/dAcCPP #acampnc (via @DavidBThomas) | 06FEB2010:12:08:52 |
 | @damondnollan Yep! Go to @waynesutton's session later for more mobile talk #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:08:45 |
 | Good participant discussion on tension between sales and marketing #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:08:10 |
 | Tools such as @compete @hitwise & @googletrends used to measure infustry-wide trends @AnalyticsCamp - #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:12:07:08 |
 | The hit of B2B Marketing Session...No Sales Rep will ever admit that a converted lead came from Marketing #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:07:06 |
 | ONE GIANT UP OR DOWN ARROW RT @waynesutton #acampnc what does a mobile analytics dashboard look like 4 decision makers? | 06FEB2010:12:06:36 |
 | Tools such as #compete #hitwise & #googletrends used to measure offline events to general trends @AnalyticsCamp - #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:12:05:50 |
 | Sessions and updated schedule are on the wiki. http://bit.ly/dAcCPP #acampnc (via @AnalyticsCamp) | 06FEB2010:12:05:37 |
 | Lunch @ 12:40? Stomach won't make it that long, any snack machines nearby? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:05:28 |
 | Link from @richardfoley #acampnc If only 100 people were on Twitter http://ow.ly/14AY6 | 06FEB2010:12:05:07 |
 | If Twitter was 100 people, you'd find that 5 loud mouths create 75% of tweets, others r "semi-active," "lazy" or "dead" accounts. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:04:22 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: Sessions and updated schedule are on the wiki. http://bit.ly/dAcCPP #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:03:19 |
 | Wow. If only 100 peeps were in Twitter, I'd be one of the 5 who have more than 100 followers. A "wow" moment for me. #acampnc @richardfoley | 06FEB2010:12:03:03 |
 | RT @waynesutton: RT @AnalyticsCamp: Sessions and updated schedule are on the wiki. http://bit.ly/dAcCPP #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:01:58 |
 | Vanity urls seem to have limited success tracking offline online @AnalyticsCamp - #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:12:01:26 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: Sessions and updated schedule are on the wiki. http://bit.ly/dAcCPP #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:01:16 |
 | According to @richardfoley only 5 Loud Mouths are creating 75% of tweets, 50% are lazy and not tweeted in last week. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:01:06 |
 | RT @j_t_moore: Like @jepc comments on how it is important to consider the proportion of Sales Accepted Leads from the Marketing Qualified Leads #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:00:27 |
 | Text Analytics for document analysis, TA underpins Sentiment Analysis, and is especially useful for Social Media Analysis #acampnc | 06FEB2010:12:00:02 |
 | Sessions and updated schedule are on the wiki. http://bit.ly/dAcCPP #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:59:56 |
 | Need to decide ideal lead profile for qualified leads. The Demand Metrics Waterfall seems like it would be very helpful #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:59:46 |
 | RT @waynesutton: #acampnc mobile analytics discussion: Will we have heatmaps for multi-touch mobile devices or http://ow.ly/1ocr7j for... | 06FEB2010:11:59:30 |
 | RT @waynesutton: #acampnc mobile analytics discussion: Will we have heatmaps for multi-touch mobile devices or http://ow.ly/1ocr7j for... | 06FEB2010:11:59:29 |
 | RT @waynesutton: #acampnc mobile analytics discussion: Will we have heatmaps for multi-touch mobile devices or http://ow.ly/1ocr7j for... | 06FEB2010:11:59:29 |
 | Those free desert coupons you get on restraunt reciepts are examples of tracking offline online @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:11:59:25 |
 | Now up to 40 tweeps in map of awesome #acampnc: http://bit.ly/acampnc @twiangulate | 06FEB2010:11:59:14 |
 | Like @jepc comments on how it is important to consider the proportion of Sales Accepted Leads from the Marketing Qualified Leads #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:59:08 |
 | I wish there was a better way tofogure out what levels each talk is designed for at #acampnc. This is too advanced for me. | 06FEB2010:11:59:05 |
 | RT @kellyduffort: Some Tweeple who cover analytics: @avinashkaushik, @TheGrok, @copyblogger, @theDukeofSEO, @addthis #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:58:26 |
 | Nice revenue calculation for marketing metrics provided by @jepc #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:58:20 |
 | RT @waynesutton: #acampnc mobile marketing discussion: Question what does a mobile analytics dashboard look like for decision makers? | 06FEB2010:11:57:32 |
 | RT @waynesutton: #acampnc mobile marketing discussion: Question what does a mobile analytics dashboard look like for decision makers? | 06FEB2010:11:57:31 |
 | RT @waynesutton: #acampnc mobile marketing discussion: Question what does a mobile analytics dashboard look like for decision makers? | 06FEB2010:11:57:31 |
 | .@jaydolan is my hero! He just got my purse for me when it fell off the ledge! We also provided entertainment for our session #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:55:24 |
 | Some Tweeple who cover analytics: @avinashkaushik, @TheGrok, @copyblogger, @theDukeofSEO, @addthis #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:55:03 |
 | Cool Web Analytics talk.. room H.. going round room talking about how we use Web Analytics #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:53:23 |
 | RT @angelahall1: Big 'ahhh' when checking out the social network diagram on http://bit.ly/acampnc. #acampnc #verycool! | 06FEB2010:11:50:52 |
 | Big 'ahhh' when checking out the social network diagram on http://bit.ly/acampnc. #acampnc #verycool! | 06FEB2010:11:49:59 |
 | @jepc session on B2B marketing analytics. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:49:55 |
 | @NC_Beer_Wench is also in Web Analytics class with me asking about Yahoo Analytics. Wish she brought beer ;) #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:49:18 |
 | @waynesutton Awesome, let me know what the takeaways are from #acampnc, please? And I'll see you at @#sxsw soon! | 06FEB2010:11:49:06 |
 | Session 2...Listening to @richardfoley talk about twitter and associations. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:48:25 |
 | in @jepc session on B2B marketing analytics. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:48:18 |
 | Thanks #Quantivo #acampnc. Nice presentation on behavioral analytics | 06FEB2010:11:47:58 |
 | Big challenge: which metrics/what to measure for B2B marketing #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:47:53 |
 | Sitting in 'Measuring the Online impact of Offline Campaigns; Jim Hazen, #capstrat' @AnalyticsCamp -#acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:11:47:13 |
 | In the B2B marketing analytics session at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:46:54 |
 | @kellyduffort Thanks Kelly #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:46:48 |
 | RT @JeffreyLCohen in B2B marketing analytics session by @jepc #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:46:44 |
 | @JessicaRandazza doing well, attending @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc at UNC today and ready for #SXSW! | 06FEB2010:11:46:29 |
 | sitting next to @hornpolish in the back row of class now at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:46:21 |
 | Just finished my presentation on Text Analytics and Sentiment Analysis #acampnc fun crowd of people here :-) | 06FEB2010:11:46:19 |
 | Larger squares have higher # of followers, the darker red tweets focus on analytics. Measure of dispersion. #acampnc http://mypict.me/3yIF2 | 06FEB2010:11:45:00 |
 | in B2B marketing analytics session by @jepc #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:44:28 |
 | Next up. Attending the measuring the online impact of offline campaigns session at @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:43:58 |
 | RT @waynesutton: #acampnc mobile marketing discussion: Question what does a mobile analytics dashboard look like for decision makers? | 06FEB2010:11:41:59 |
 | RT @waynesutton: @Twiangulate it helps you find hidden tweeps see who's who at #acampnc & who do they know -> http://bit.ly/acampnc via @HC | 06FEB2010:11:40:03 |
 | Next session: B2B marketing analytics #acampnc (via @KeAnne) @jepc's session | 06FEB2010:11:38:40 |
 | @marcomascioli what room is that in? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:38:15 |
 | Sharing: @Twiangulate it helps you find hidden tweeps see who's who at #acampnc & who do they know -> http://bit.ly/acampnc via @HC | 06FEB2010:11:37:47 |
 | Multivariate testing, regression analysis run on social media. How do I find the influencer? #acampnc @richardfoley | 06FEB2010:11:37:46 |
 | #acampnc real time analytics discussion with Farhad, he is breaking down some vocab | 06FEB2010:11:37:39 |
 | Comparing web analytics tools discussion is in F 2560 --- wayyyyy down the hall & around the corner after restrooms. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:36:09 |
 | Cool network scatter diagram by @richardfoley in Having The Twitter Conversation #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:36:09 |
 | Learning about SAS in #acampnc by @richardfoley | 06FEB2010:11:35:57 |
 | Next session: B2B marketing analytics #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:35:26 |
 | Just flurries RT @angelahall1 So is #snowMG colliding with #acampnc? At least we all got here safely. | 06FEB2010:11:34:58 |
 | #acampnc mobile marketing discussion: Question what does a mobile analytics dashboard look like for decision makers? | 06FEB2010:11:34:27 |
 | Hope #acampnc is going well | 06FEB2010:11:34:11 |
 | @richardfoley #acampnc correction: you can trace anything you want on twitter... Unless its a day of the flying whale! | 06FEB2010:11:33:42 |
 | Bi sw pkgs must be aware not just of data, but what requests are being received. Making popular ? faster 2 answer. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:33:37 |
 | Real time tweeting and conversation with @richardfoley #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:33:30 |
 | Doing the Twitter Crawl, presented by SAS... @richardfoley #acampnc http://mypict.me/3yHiX | 06FEB2010:11:32:15 |
 | Session 1 should be wrapping up in the next few minutes. Session 2 starts at 11:40. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:27:09 |
 | RT @ikongsgf: Lunch at 12:40 RT @covati: Session 1 ends at 11:30; Session 2 starts at 11:40. #acampnc (via @AnalyticsCamp) | 06FEB2010:11:24:54 |
 | So is #snowMG colliding with #acampnc? At least we all got here safely. | 06FEB2010:11:24:44 |
 | RT @kellyduffort: What turns a once/month visitor into a two-times/month visitor? Determine the content that they want and need. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:24:11 |
 | Interesting that basic chartsbars & piesdominate this corporate topic. Value in the data & interpretation, not into viz yet. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:23:39 |
 | What turns a once/month visitor into a two-times/month visitor? Determine the content that they want and need. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:22:16 |
 | RT @ikongsgf: Lunch at 12:40 RT @covati: Session 1 ends at 11:30; Session 2 starts at 11:40. #acampnc (via @AnalyticsCamp) | 06FEB2010:11:22:11 |
 | Lunch at 12:40 RT @covati: Session 1 ends at 11:30; Session 2 starts at 11:40. #acampnc (via @AnalyticsCamp) | 06FEB2010:11:21:52 |
 | @jeffSanGeorge Yes. Planning to work on it after session 1. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:21:43 |
 | @AnalyticsCamp Re you guys going to update the sessions info in the wiki? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:20:03 |
 | Session 1 ends at 11:30; Session 2 starts at 11:40. #acampnc (via @AnalyticsCamp) | 06FEB2010:11:19:53 |
 | Behavioral analytics considers visitor frequency as a segment conversion goal @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:11:19:25 |
 | Can a small biz without fancy software and deep statistical background do analytics effectively or at all? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:18:12 |
 | RT @mbagrrl: RT @JayDolan: Also, #acampnc people, vote for Anti-Social Media at #[link expired] at http://voting.[link expired].com | 06FEB2010:11:17:45 |
 | Behavioral analytics spots trends in small brick mortar purchases leading to big online purchases @AnalyticsCamp -#acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:11:16:54 |
 | RT @alisonbolen RT @gilliatt: BI is the gateway drug for analytics. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:15:03 |
 | MIssing the #acampnc but making a birthday cake with my kids is even sweeter :) | 06FEB2010:11:14:27 |
 | RT @ChrisGTaylor: If you have slides or other docs to share from your session, link from your session on the wiki. http://bit.ly/dAcCPP #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:14:11 |
 | RT @gilliatt: BI is the gateway drug for analytics. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:14:07 |
 | @erinedesign sorry just saw your tweet, see you are in here #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:13:49 |
 | If you have slides or other docs to share from your session, link from your session on the wiki. http://bit.ly/dAcCPP #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:12:49 |
 | #six sigma and #lean certified folks starting to work in IBM's Advanced Analytics operation #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:11:21 |
 | Hoping I get a chance to learn from @jeffreylcohen and his presentation over the lunch break. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:11:06 |
 | Session 1 ends at 11:30; Session 2 starts at 11:40. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:11:00 |
 | Umm....drugs...RT @gilliatt: BI is the gateway drug for analytics. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:10:32 |
 | Employ Venn diagrams to see where behaviors overlap @AnalyticsCamp -#acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:11:09:45 |
 | BI is the gateway drug for analytics. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:08:55 |
 | @manyamayes is talking about sentiment analysis re: sas text analyis. interesting! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:08:52 |
 | Hmmm BI and Analytics a matter of semantics? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:08:51 |
 | Gotta check into sas-stat clustering techniques for non-EM users. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:06:59 |
 | whoa very cool RT @hc RT @Twiangulate Who's who at #acampnc & who do they know? http://bit.ly/acampnc to be included email henry at blogads | 06FEB2010:11:05:20 |
 | Wishing I could do a mind transfer with @manyamayes #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:04:14 |
 | Behavior analytics looks at what else is in the basket of egg buyers - breakfast or baking goods? @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:11:04:12 |
 | RT @KeAnne: Note to self: learn SAS #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:04:04 |
 | & @kimberlyweller RT @DavidBThomas Happy to c SAS colleagues @ #acampnc: @hornpolish @VarshaChawla @ManyaMayes @LainieH @angelahall1 @ttoshi | 06FEB2010:11:03:17 |
 | RT @JayDolan: Also, #acampnc people, vote for Anti-Social Media at #[link expired] at http://voting.[link expired].com | 06FEB2010:11:02:46 |
 | Sell cookies may sell milk, but selling milk may not cause behavior to sell cookies @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:11:02:41 |
 | Note to self: learn SAS #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:02:27 |
 | RT @waynesutton: #acampnc mobile analytics discussion: Will we have heatmaps for multi-touch mobile devices or fivesecondtest.com for mobile devices? | 06FEB2010:11:02:15 |
 | RT @anilchawla: RT @angelahall1: Loving tweetymail for #acampnc tweets! Great tool!! - > http://bit.ly/cLKDbm | 06FEB2010:11:01:55 |
 | RT @Twiangulate: Who is who at #acampnc and who do they know? Ck out http://bit.ly/acampnc If you want to be included, e-mail henry at blogads.com. | 06FEB2010:11:01:40 |
 | Good stuff RT @gilliatt: Companies have data& tools but don't know what they have. SAS-generated geo heat map as "oh, wow" example. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:01:34 |
 | Love the data Nugget a Week idea #acampnc. But wow, feeling a bit overwhelmed about how to use the data | 06FEB2010:11:01:25 |
 | #acampnc mobile analytics discussion: Will we have heatmaps for multi-touch mobile devices or fivesecondtest.com for mobile devices? | 06FEB2010:11:00:38 |
 | RT @ikongsgf: @jrushin of @quantivo says there is already 45 GB of behavioral data per human and growing #acampnc | 06FEB2010:11:00:28 |
 | RT @angelahall1: Loving tweetymail for #acampnc tweets! Great tool!! - > http://bit.ly/cLKDbm | 06FEB2010:11:00:26 |
 | Psychology majors should explore behavioral analytics as a career option. #acampnc #imo | 06FEB2010:11:00:00 |
 | SAS Text Miner is an add-on to Enterprise miner.. cool clusters from @manyamayes #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:59:54 |
 | @jrushin of @quantivo says there is already 45 GB of behavioral data per human and growing #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:59:46 |
 | Companies have the data and the tools but don't know what they have. SAS-generated geo heat map as an "oh, wow" example. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:58:38 |
 | sitting next to @angelahall1 in front row of #acampnc class | 06FEB2010:10:58:09 |
 | Happy to see so many SAS colleagues @ #acampnc: @hornpolish @VarshaChawla @ManyaMayes @LainieH @ikongsgf @angelahall1 @ttoshi Who else? | 06FEB2010:10:57:51 |
 | @mbagrrl Congratulations! Figuring out the Wi-Fi secret was a big accomplishment for me today, too! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:57:49 |
 | Corp. BI generating 800 PDF reports a week. Missing a link somewhere... #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:57:26 |
 | "Start with behaviors, not demographics" #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:57:01 |
 | Loving tweetymail for #acampnc tweets! Great tool!! | 06FEB2010:10:56:50 |
 | in @jrushin of @quantivo's behavioral analytics session with @ttoshi and @richardfoley talking about amzn price experiments #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:56:30 |
 | If you have slides or other docs to share from your session, link from your session on the wiki. http://bit.ly/dAcCPP #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:56:22 |
 | Its about categorizations and prioritizations after mining & cleaning text/verbal/video content. #acampnc @manyamayes text talk | 06FEB2010:10:55:35 |
 | RT @katestud: never sure whether to be impressed or totally freaked out that marketers are tracking everything i do. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:55:29 |
 | @damondnollan Thank you! I got it to work! I have internets. W00t #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:55:19 |
 | RT @jeffSanGeorge: Snowing in Chapel Hill! here at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:54:56 |
 | "Attention span of a flash cube"--ok, how many in the room know what a flash cube is? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:54:53 |
 | never sure whether to be impressed or totally freaked out that marketers are tracking everything i do. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:54:48 |
 | #acampnc Watching Robert lead a discussion on Google Anayltics and various way of using it. | 06FEB2010:10:54:47 |
 | Corporate analytics deployment: when you hear "can't you just...," duck and cover. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:53:52 |
 | Market basket analysis (MBA): will putting cookies on sale inspire people to buy full price milk? @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:10:53:07 |
 | Snowing in Chapel Hill! here at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:53:04 |
 | Should mention @quantivo is sharing his expertise in this session. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:52:16 |
 | Sitting in a mobile Analytics session at #acampnc - it's snowing outside! #snOMG - from UNC - Kenan Flagler http://tri-out.com/1894 #TriOut | 06FEB2010:10:52:03 |
 | RT @deanpeters: Product Managers might want to consider behavior analytics over demographics @AnalyticsCamp -#acampnc #hiredeanpeters #usability | 06FEB2010:10:51:32 |
 | IBM likes Davenport's analytics maturity model from Competing on Analytics. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:50:46 |
 | Behavioral analytics can be used w/retail sales, merchandising, B2B sales, loyalty, marketing, promotions, Web...everything really. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:50:12 |
 | RT @LainieH: @ManyaMayes is giving an intelligent and awesome presentation about text analytics #acampnc ROOM 7 | 06FEB2010:10:49:25 |
 | Hard decisions about which sessions to attend started in the first time slot. Good news/bad news. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:49:05 |
 | Forget traditional demographic data such as age and gender. Focus on, segment, and analyze behaviors. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:49:04 |
 | Google analytics code must be installed on each page. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:49:00 |
 | Product Managers might want to consider behavior analytics over demographics @AnalyticsCamp -#acampnc #hiredeanpeters #usability | 06FEB2010:10:48:33 |
 | Analytical sandbox for people to play and explore, discover what's in the data? In addition to formal approaches. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:48:30 |
 | @ManyaMayes is giving an intelligent and awesome presentation about text analytics #acampnc ROOM 7 | 06FEB2010:10:48:14 |
 | Can someone dm me the wireless access name? Or help me connect on a mac? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:48:13 |
 | @ManyaMayes is giving an intelligent and awesome presentation about text analytics #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:47:46 |
 | #jcrew #fail to take advantage of Michelle Obama mentions & behavioral web analytics @AnalyticsCamp -#acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:10:46:59 |
 | Data and architecture are a choke point. Get that piece right. #acampnc (via @gilliatt) | 06FEB2010:10:46:56 |
 | #acampnc session board pic (this time with the right hashtag) http://post.ly/MUpv | 06FEB2010:10:46:29 |
 | Data and architecture are a choke point. Get that piece right. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:45:55 |
 | Interesting RT @kellyduffort Twitter traffic increase 660% in 2009. Crazy, huh? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:45:40 |
 | Heat map tools crazyegg #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:45:27 |
 | Great data from @covati and @JeffreyLCohen about how twitter clients are passing data and can skew your direct traffic #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:44:44 |
 | RT @kellyduffort: Twitter traffic increase 660% in 2009. Crazy, huh? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:44:40 |
 | 464% traffic increase on the J.Crew site for the yellow skirt Michelle Obama was wearing on Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno. Pretty Neat-O #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:44:23 |
 | Behavioral Analytics for Dummies in room 2350 #acampnc http://mypict.me/3yBvt | 06FEB2010:10:43:44 |
 | Twitter traffic increase 660% in 2009. Crazy, huh? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:42:59 |
 | If you signed up for the mobile marketing / analytics session. We're in room 2650! #acampnc via @VarshaChawla / join us @AnalyticsCamp | 06FEB2010:10:42:56 |
 | And we're off to class! #acampnc http://mypict.me/3yBfT | 06FEB2010:10:41:44 |
 | Signed up for the mobile marketing / analytics session? We're in room 2650! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:41:12 |
 | Sitting in on Using Applied Analytics for Business Solutions #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:40:46 |
 | Google Analytics 101 was moved until later in the afternoon, so I'm in Behaviorial Analytics for Dummies #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:40:35 |
 | First session...Behaviorial Analytics for Dummies. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:39:14 |
 | RT @deanpeters: Sitting in 'Behavioral Analytics for Dummies' @AnalyticsCamp -#acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:10:38:08 |
 | sawm some folks at #acampnc take pix of the room/sessions board. Can someone post one so we can all use? | 06FEB2010:10:38:02 |
 | @davidalston wish you were here too. Lots of great folks here #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:37:49 |
 | Sitting in 'Behavioral Analytics for Dummies' @AnalyticsCamp -#acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:10:37:18 |
 | Thanks folks, got it working! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:36:44 |
 | Volunteered to lead a disc. comparing web analytics tools at 11. Been assessing a few lately. Please join if you have expertise. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:33:35 |
 | Picked 1st session, @manyamayes is talking bout text analytics #acampnc. Sitting with @lainieh. | 06FEB2010:10:32:50 |
 | http://twitpic.com/11p23x - Thanks for the coffee @Capstrat!! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:32:35 |
 | At #acampnc while jim babysits. Hope this is good. Sleeting outside. | 06FEB2010:10:31:41 |
 | On my way to #acampnc. Better late than never. See everyone soon! | 06FEB2010:10:31:19 |
 | RT @americaneaglenc: RT @DavidBThomas: Hey #acampnc folks, please help us promote this Haiti benefit social media workshop. http://bit.ly/9Jl6oC Thanks! | 06FEB2010:10:30:40 |
 | Wish I could be with everyone @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc today. | 06FEB2010:10:28:25 |
 | RT @SMCNash: Be sure to follow @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc today! | 06FEB2010:10:28:19 |
 | Be sure to follow @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc today! | 06FEB2010:10:26:10 |
 | Be sure to follow @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc today! | 06FEB2010:10:26:09 |
 | RT @ChrisGTaylor: RT @covati: The chaos of session selection has begun #acampnc http://twitpic.com/11ozj8 | 06FEB2010:10:25:17 |
 | @jreesnc See Damond from NC Central, he just got mine up and running #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:24:54 |
 | RT @americaneaglenc: RT @DavidBThomas: Hey #acampnc folks, please help us promote this Haiti benefit social media workshop. http://bit.ly/9Jl6oC Thanks! | 06FEB2010:10:24:10 |
 | RT @covati: The chaos of session selection has begun #acampnc http://twitpic.com/11ozj8 | 06FEB2010:10:23:51 |
 | Still haven't sorted the wi fi at #acampnc can somone dm me the ssid? | 06FEB2010:10:23:37 |
 | @postgrad great to meet you again & safe travels to NO! Go Saints!! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:23:34 |
 | The chaos of session selection has begun #acampnc http://twitpic.com/11ozj8 | 06FEB2010:10:19:33 |
 | RT @DavidBThomas: Hey #acampnc folks, please help us promote this Haiti benefit social media workshop. http://bit.ly/9Jl6oC Thanks! | 06FEB2010:10:19:18 |
 | RT @DavidBThomas: Hey #acampnc folks, please help us promote this Haiti benefit social media workshop. http://bit.ly/9Jl6oC Thanks! | 06FEB2010:10:19:17 |
 | Ack! Too many great sessions in the first time slot. How to choose?? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:18:45 |
 | Pix of session selection @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters - http://twitpic.com/11ozam | 06FEB2010:10:18:37 |
 | RT @DavidBThomas: Hey #acampnc folks, please help us promote this Haiti benefit social media workshop. http://bit.ly/9Jl6oC Thanks! | 06FEB2010:10:18:22 |
 | RT @DavidBThomas: RT @VarshaChawla: And #acampnc is on its way! There are still spots left, if you still want to come! http://bit.ly/bM3efB | 06FEB2010:10:18:13 |
 | Me too :( RT @cammicam Wish I could make it to #acampnc! | 06FEB2010:10:16:59 |
 | Peeps choosing which sessions to attend. #acampnc http://mypict.me/3yxY8 | 06FEB2010:10:16:31 |
 | Also, #acampnc people, vote for Anti-Social Media at #[link expired] at http://voting.[link expired].com | 06FEB2010:10:14:47 |
 | RT @BrianR: Already inspired. Real Estate + Analytics Sounds powerfull #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:13:54 |
 | Hey #acampnc folks, please help us promote this Haiti benefit social media workshop. http://bit.ly/9Jl6oC Thanks! | 06FEB2010:10:13:48 |
 | If you #acampnc peeps find yourself in DE on 3/10, I'll be presenting at 1st #ignitesussex @dogfishbeer! Wait list only- @daveburris host | 06FEB2010:10:12:34 |
 | I am counting the number of guys in blue plaid shirts. I think there is a @theantimedia post in here somwhere #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:11:55 |
 | @JeffreyLCohen Thanks for the help! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:10:54 |
 | @jaydolan we should check out @waynesutton 's talk for our big idea #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:10:33 |
 | Pitched my @AnalyticsCamp presentation - Ideas from the Numbers: Content Inspiration from Analytics Data #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:09:31 |
 | help please! @JessicaRMurray can't get a connection #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:09:31 |
 | RT @j_t_moore: RT @Twiangulate: Who is who at #acampnc and who do they know? Ck out http://bit.ly/acampnc <-- Cool Visual Breakdown | 06FEB2010:10:08:29 |
 | In a room full of geeks, can someone plz help me get on the wireless network. Used password, restarted comp 3x & nothing...#acampnc Help!! | 06FEB2010:10:08:23 |
 | @jeffSanGeorge Good to see you too! I saw on the site there should be a session on web design, hoping that still is the case #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:07:54 |
 | Pitched to lead an unprepared discussion @AnalyticsCamp - '50 ways you USE your numbers' - #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:10:07:52 |
 | Going through all the sessions being offer here at @analytics #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:07:19 |
 | Going through all the sessions being offer here at @analytics #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:07:19 |
 | RT @Twiangulate: Who is who at #acampnc and who do they know? Ck out http://bit.ly/acampnc <-- Cool Visual Breakdown | 06FEB2010:10:06:48 |
 | @ellenlynch hey Ellen, good to see you, What sessions look good for you? I need one for left brained people like me! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:06:17 |
 | Looking forward to learning a lot from @analyticscamp #acampnc today, some smart people here. Wondering if anyone talking location measuring | 06FEB2010:10:05:47 |
 | Listening to session pitches at analytics camp #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:05:33 |
 | Just pitched my presentation on B2B marketing analytics, I hope some people will find it interesting #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:05:31 |
 | The #acampnc agenda is starting to take shape. http://mypict.me/3ywh0 | 06FEB2010:10:03:46 |
 | My android does not want to play nicely with the wi-fi at #acampnc :( | 06FEB2010:10:02:09 |
 | If you're at #acampnc and you're a socmed practitioner for a medium- to large-sized company in the Triangle, please say hi today. | 06FEB2010:10:01:56 |
 | @jeffSanGeorge It took me forever to log on too #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:01:56 |
 | Finally logged on here at UNC #acampnc. | 06FEB2010:10:00:42 |
 | Already inspired. Real Estate + Analytics Sounds powerfull #acampnc | 06FEB2010:10:00:27 |
 | @kellyduffort It would have been a very long day, what would I have done without being able to tweet? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:58:33 |
 | Starting pitches at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:58:27 |
 | Another view of the #acampnc crowd as ideas are being generated for presentations. http://mypict.me/3yvuK | 06FEB2010:09:58:13 |
 | Attention #acampnc: Please be mean to @kbodnar32 today. He made a Wendy's joke during my intro. FAIL | 06FEB2010:09:56:46 |
 | Ideas being written down for the #acampnc unconference. Curious to see how the agenda develops. http://mypict.me/3yvdR | 06FEB2010:09:56:01 |
 | @ellenlynch Whew! Glad we both made it online. Would have been a long day w/o Internet access. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:54:45 |
 | RT @VarshaChawla: And #acampnc is on its way! There are still spots left, if you still want to come! http://bit.ly/bM3efB | 06FEB2010:09:53:34 |
 | @toddmccalla you should watch #acampnc hashtag :) | 06FEB2010:09:52:41 |
 | Got a round of cheers when I announced @dogfishbeer is hiring this year. A round of applause for analytics geeks! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:50:02 |
 | RT @hornpolish: #acampnc smack talk begins. UNC Kenan-Flagler BS versus ncstate inst of adv analytics very diverse crowd here | 06FEB2010:09:48:26 |
 | #acampnc smack talk begins. UNC Kenan-Flagler BS versus ncstate inst of adv analytics very diverse crowd here | 06FEB2010:09:47:17 |
 | Great energy during the introductions #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:46:47 |
 | This is a seriously diverse group. Looking forward to quite a day #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:41:38 |
 | @kellyduffort Yea, Kelly is on wi-fi #acampnc #vista | 06FEB2010:09:41:15 |
 | @kellyduffort Me too! It took me forever to figure out how to get online #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:41:06 |
 | I'm at Analytics Camp and I'm so, so, sooooo happy to finally be online after figuring out the wireless connection secret! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:39:56 |
 | Wish I could make it to #acampnc! | 06FEB2010:09:38:38 |
 | I am thinking I have a lot to learn. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:37:34 |
 | @ellenlynch it'll help you network! An unconf convention :) #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:36:51 |
 | RT @JayDolan: If you thought my #acampnc introduction was funny, you really should read http://www.theantisocialmedia.com | 06FEB2010:09:36:42 |
 | RT @JayDolan: If you thought my #acampnc introduction was funny, you really should read http://www.theantisocialmedia.com | 06FEB2010:09:31:42 |
 | #acampnc Hanging here at UNC with a lot of smart people. Will try to keep up. | 06FEB2010:09:31:30 |
 | Why are we doing intos at #acampnc? There are way too many people for this. Would rather spend the time actually talking to people. #fail | 06FEB2010:09:31:25 |
 | If you thought my #acampnc introduction was funny, you really should read http://www.theantisocialmedia.com | 06FEB2010:09:30:57 |
 | Introductions being made at #acampnc. Many companies hiring in Triangle. This is the place to be today! | 06FEB2010:09:29:51 |
 | Doing introductions at #acampnc lots of great people! | 06FEB2010:09:28:56 |
 | Introduced self @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc as 'Hi I'm deanpeters, a soon-to-be former director of #usability' #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:09:27:56 |
 | Hello My name is... #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:27:50 |
 | Great @gilliatt is kicking off @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc at #UNC - attendee intros! - from UNC - Kenan Flagler http://tri-out.com/1894 #TriOut | 06FEB2010:09:26:57 |
 | @gilliatt kicks off #acampnc @analyticscamp at @kenanflagler http://yfrog.com/35ku4cj (via @ikongsgf) | 06FEB2010:09:26:31 |
 | Didn't know about #acampnc until this morning, wish I was there http://bit.ly/6d8Rax | 06FEB2010:09:25:29 |
 | Cool! More ppl are signing up to get #acampnc tweets sent to them automatically for free. Join them: http://bit.ly/cLKDbm | 06FEB2010:09:23:03 |
 | @jeffSanGeorge Come Say Hi. There are other Greensboro folks at #acampnc. | 06FEB2010:09:22:10 |
 | getting things kicked off here at #acampnc looking forward to today's sessions. | 06FEB2010:09:21:40 |
 | @gilliatt kicks off #acampnc @analyticscamp at @kenanflagler http://yfrog.com/35ku4cj | 06FEB2010:09:21:38 |
 | Session pitches getting ready to start! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:20:00 |
 | And #acampnc is on its way! There are still spots left, if you still want to come! http://bit.ly/bM3efB | 06FEB2010:09:19:03 |
 | RT @mbagrrl: Thank you @sas and @capstrat for food and coffee at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:18:24 |
 | Thank you @sas and @capstrat for food and coffee at #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:17:20 |
 | RT @deanpeters: Coffee chat before things get started at @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters - http://twitpic.com/11onv9 | 06FEB2010:09:16:58 |
 | Coffee chat before things get started at @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters - http://twitpic.com/11onv9 | 06FEB2010:09:16:15 |
 | Great job #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:16:07 |
 | Woo hoo! #acampnc has officially commenced. Sitting w/ MS/MBA students and a OneMBA 09. @gilliatt takes the mike. http://mypict.me/3ypZ4 | 06FEB2010:09:16:05 |
 | Coffee chat before things get started at @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:09:14:54 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp Plenty of room at @AnalyticsCamp. If you wanted to come but didn't get a ticket, come on in. #acampnc (hey @veemoe!) | 06FEB2010:09:14:13 |
 | RT @anilchawla: RT @AnalyticsCamp: Plenty of room at @AnalyticsCamp. If you wanted to come but didn't get a ticket, come on in. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:14:00 |
 | attention crashers: RT @AnalyticsCamp: Plenty of room at @AnalyticsCamp. If you wanted to come but didn't get a ticket, come on in. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:13:39 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: Plenty of room at @AnalyticsCamp. If you wanted to come but didn't get a ticket, come on in. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:13:11 |
 | @Encouraging You're welcome. Hoping you have one as well. I'm going to get schooled in Analytics at #acampnc. | 06FEB2010:09:12:09 |
 | Pix of yummy Calories courtesy of @capstrat at @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc #hiredeanpeters http://twitpic.com/11omy8 | 06FEB2010:09:11:17 |
 | Yummy pastries from Capstrat @anallyticscamp #acampnc while sitting with @richardfoley and @manyamayes | 06FEB2010:09:06:45 |
 | About to get started. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:06:37 |
 | Plenty of room at @AnalyticsCamp. If you wanted to come but didn't get a ticket, come on in. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:06:06 |
 | Plenty of room at @AnalyticsCamp. If you wanted to come but didn't get a ticket, come on in. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:06:06 |
 | Thanks @capstrat for the fabulous coffee and calories! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:09:01:59 |
 | Bummed to be missing #acampnc, but I have family in town and a long Super Bowl party to-do list to tackle (umm... no pun intended) | 06FEB2010:08:59:54 |
 | sounds like an interesting one. have fun! RT @waynesutton: Good morning, getting ready to leave for @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc | 06FEB2010:08:58:41 |
 | RT @jeffreylcohen: Excited about my @AnalyticsCamp presentation - Ideas from the Numbers: Content Inspiration from Analytics Data #acampnc | 06FEB2010:08:57:37 |
 | Today would be a perfect day to own an iPad. Note taking, email, tweeting, live blogging, etc. I want!! #apple #acampnc | 06FEB2010:08:56:23 |
 | Hanging with @ilinap and @jaydolan at #acampnc. | 06FEB2010:08:54:26 |
 | I'll be a little late to @AnalyticsCamp but am on my way now (from N. Raleigh) see ya there #acampnc | 06FEB2010:08:53:15 |
 | Who is who at #acampnc and who do they know? Ck out http://bit.ly/acampnc If you want to be included, e-mail henry at blogads.com. | 06FEB2010:08:34:47 |
 | do you keep refreshing the Twitter search for #acampnc? I'll do it for you for free: http://bit.ly/cLKDbm | 06FEB2010:08:21:46 |
 | Heading out to @AnalyticsCamp w/Acer for notes and BB for tweets. ETA 8:50am. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:08:19:41 |
 | Will be late to #acampnc. First breakfast. Then Ava's penance. Then off to Chapel Hill. | 06FEB2010:08:16:39 |
 | Excited about my @AnalyticsCamp presentation - Ideas from the Numbers: Content Inspiration from Analytics Data #acampnc | 06FEB2010:08:15:38 |
 | Red Chucks for @AnalyticsCamp? I think so. Go Pack! #acampnc #ncsu http://myloc.me/3yiio | 06FEB2010:08:14:08 |
 | @damondnollan would love to go to #acampnc but am doing a session on strategic planning today. how is your lunch calendar next week? | 06FEB2010:08:12:27 |
 | Hey @AnalyticsCamp. What's for breakfast? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:08:11:43 |
 | @JayDolan eek! thanks for the reminder about grabbing our tix for @AnalyticsCamp! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:08:06:28 |
 | RT @JayDolan: Gah! Print stupid analytics camp ticket! PRINT!! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:08:05:07 |
 | Setting up at #acampnc with @richardfoley | 06FEB2010:08:01:25 |
 | Good morning, getting ready to leave for @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc | 06FEB2010:07:38:48 |
 | This is too early for a Saturday. Hope #acampnc has enough caffeine for me!! | 06FEB2010:07:29:40 |
 | Gah! Print stupid analytics camp ticket! PRINT!! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:07:16:35 |
 | Attending Analytics Camp at UNC today! #acampnc | 06FEB2010:07:13:25 |
 | It's early to be up for a Saturday, headed out to @AnalyticsCamp, See you there? #acampnc | 06FEB2010:07:04:43 |
 | On my to pick up a coworker and then heading to UNC for #acampnc | 06FEB2010:07:01:35 |
 | getting ready for #acampnc. looking forward to learning from some cool smart people | 06FEB2010:06:59:49 |
 | coffee now, @AnalyticsCamp later. #acampnc | 06FEB2010:06:56:53 |
 | 2 hours to go until @AnalyticsCamp - do I shave or do I go in my jammies? #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 06FEB2010:06:01:21 |
 | @AnalyticsCamp tomorrow #acampnc; i better get some sleep; see y'all in Chapel Hill | 05FEB2010:23:23:05 |
 | @AnalyticsCamp hoping to make it tomorrow #acampnc | 05FEB2010:23:17:31 |
 | Had a great time at the #acampnc meetup, getting ready for bed so I can be fresh for @analyticscamp tomorrow | 05FEB2010:22:27:39 |
 | RT @ikongsgf: RT With @chrisgtaylor and @ellenlynch at #acampnc pre event http://yfrog.com/3gnyjyj | 05FEB2010:22:25:54 |
 | don't forget! follow #acampnc hashtag tomorrow & attend @analyticscamp conference virtually. maybe someone will ustream as well! | 05FEB2010:22:25:49 |
 | don't forget! follow #acampnc hashtag tomorrow & attend @analyticscamp conference virtually. maybe someone will ustream as well! | 05FEB2010:22:25:49 |
 | looking forward to great #acampnc tomorrow. already appears to be stellar! thanks to @gilliatt for leading all the setup! | 05FEB2010:22:14:11 |
 | really enjoyed getting to meet #acampnc folks ahead of time @ the #acamptweetup! great food & drinks at the RallyPt Bar! | 05FEB2010:22:12:25 |
 | Getting ready to give up my day off from a rough week of #analytics challenges to attend #acampnc and learn how to solve ALL my problems! | 05FEB2010:21:08:29 |
 | RT With @chrisgtaylor and @ellenlynch at #acampnc pre event http://yfrog.com/3gnyjyj | 05FEB2010:20:50:52 |
 | With @chrisgtaylor and @ellenlynch at #acampnc pre event | 05FEB2010:20:49:29 |
 | Woo hoo! Weather event or otherwise, @AnalyticsCamp is still ON for tomorrow - #acampnc #hiredeanpeters | 05FEB2010:20:45:21 |
 | At the #acampnc pre event meetup w/ @Gilliatt and @tong_orn and some NCSU analytics smarties http://yfrog.com/3iwypj | 05FEB2010:20:20:27 |
 | Sorry to miss the #acampnc tweetup but I'm spending time with The Mrs tonight. See you tomorrow. I'll be the damp guy. | 05FEB2010:20:02:46 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: How to prepare to attend an unconference: http://bit.ly/be4204 #acampnc | 05FEB2010:19:48:13 |
 | Yea! arrive safely. Just a bit damp #acampnc | 05FEB2010:18:52:38 |
 | Sorry I am going to miss the #acampnc meetup tonight, but going to Jibarra with @bethlavin. See everyone tomorrow! | 05FEB2010:18:34:32 |
 | How to prepare to attend an unconference: http://bit.ly/be4204 #acampnc | 05FEB2010:18:24:26 |
 | Wish I could get to meetup in Cary for #acampnc but the ark isn't quite finished. | 05FEB2010:18:23:27 |
 | We made it!! #acampnc | 05FEB2010:18:12:46 |
 | RT @ikongsgf: RT @AnalyticsCamp students want to know about careers in analytics. Anyone want to lead a discussion about it 2moro? #acampnc | 05FEB2010:18:04:51 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp students want to know about careers in analytics. Anyone want to lead a discussion about it 2moro? #acampnc | 05FEB2010:18:01:28 |
 | About to get some dinner than off to @AnalyticsCamp pre-event meetup at Rally Point - see some of you there! #acampnc | 05FEB2010:18:00:28 |
 | Wish I could have gotten in on tomorrow's fun. Hope ppl will be sharing slides and other stuff! #acampnc | 05FEB2010:17:48:33 |
 | About to grab a quick dinner with @anilchawla before Rally Point #acampnc meetup! Come join us & drive safely! | 05FEB2010:17:38:25 |
 | my umbrella and I are on our way to @RallyPointCary for dinner before the @AnalyticsCamp meetup. see you there! #acampnc | 05FEB2010:17:26:50 |
 | So I'm jealous that @ljwilkinson gets to go to @analyticscamp tomorrow. I hope to tune in to #acampnc for good stuff. http://bit.ly/bFfcJR | 05FEB2010:17:16:14 |
 | Looking forward to Analytics Camp tomorrow. My 1st "unconference." Proposed sessions look interesting. #acampnc | 05FEB2010:17:15:00 |
 | the possible sessions for tomoro's @analyticscamp @kenanflagler Hope to see y'all there bright and early! #acampnc http://bit.ly/bFfcJR | 05FEB2010:17:10:15 |
 | MBA students want to know about careers in web/marketing analytics. Anyone want to lead a discussion about it tomorrow? #acampnc | 05FEB2010:17:09:27 |
 | RT @waynesutton: RT @AnalyticsCamp: Don't miss the @AnalyticsCamp meetup tonight in Cary: http://bit.ly/b7lT6E #acampnc | 05FEB2010:17:03:15 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: Don't miss the @AnalyticsCamp meetup tonight in Cary: http://bit.ly/b7lT6E #acampnc | 05FEB2010:16:42:54 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: Don't miss the @AnalyticsCamp meetup tonight in Cary: http://bit.ly/b7lT6E #acampnc | 05FEB2010:16:42:54 |
 | looking forward to AnalyticsCamp tomorrow, hopefully the weather isn't too bad in the AM #acampnc | 05FEB2010:16:37:58 |
 | Accenture: Weak Analytics Capabilities Hindering Decision-Making Abilities http://bit.ly/dCQg8G << Good reason for #acampnc | 05FEB2010:16:37:42 |
 | RT @capstrat: Excited to see @hazenj present @AnalyticsCamp tomorrow. @capstrat is proud to be a supporter. #acampnc | 05FEB2010:15:40:05 |
 | Excited to see @hazenj present @AnalyticsCamp tomorrow. @capstrat is proud to be a supporter. #acampnc | 05FEB2010:15:20:05 |
 | @chrisgtaylor is mad at me b/c I didnt want to stop for a bathroom break sooner. (She has a little bladder..shhhh..) #acampnc | 05FEB2010:13:08:58 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: Driving in for AnalyticsCamp? Check travel conditions at NC DOT site: http://bit.ly/7o0Y8 #acampnc | 05FEB2010:12:48:15 |
 | @erinedesign Sweet. We can has learning! #acampnc | 05FEB2010:11:54:30 |
 | for @jessicarmurray are there any hot single geeks at #acampnc Please DM LOL:) | 05FEB2010:11:50:04 |
 | @JayDolan I'm pretty sure it'll be over my head too but I need to start learning/understanding it. guess we'll be in all the 101's #acampnc | 05FEB2010:11:32:44 |
 | @ilinap @jaydolan I am sure we can conjure up some trouble. #acampnc | 05FEB2010:11:20:24 |
 | @JayDolan #acampnc Maybe you will actually take your turn :) | 05FEB2010:11:19:49 |
 | Excited for @AnalyticsCamp tomorrow at UNC Kenan-Flagler biz school! The freezing rain, not so much... :-( Travel safe everyone! #acampnc | 05FEB2010:11:18:11 |
 | @ilinap @mbagrrl I'll bring my laptop so we can all play scrabble on facebook. #acampnc | 05FEB2010:11:07:46 |
 | Driving in for AnalyticsCamp? Check travel conditions at NC DOT site: http://bit.ly/7o0Y8 #acampnc | 05FEB2010:11:05:45 |
 | @ChrisGTaylor The weather here is mostly rainy, but conditions to the west are worse. Be careful. #acampnc | 05FEB2010:11:01:52 |
 | RT @VarshaChawla: Who's braving the weather with us tonight? #acampnc meetup @ 7! Easy way to keep track of tweets: http://bit.ly/9SOMsp | 05FEB2010:10:55:34 |
 | Good luck to runners in tomorrow's Krispy Kreme Challenge in Raleigh. I'll be warm and dry at @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc | 05FEB2010:10:52:19 |
 | @JayDolan @mbagrrl Me too. We'll sit together in the back and play hangman. #acampnc | 05FEB2010:10:47:51 |
 | @JayDolan That will pretty much guarantee you will learn something. You'll be fine. #acampnc | 05FEB2010:10:45:59 |
 | Hmm. Am I supposed to feel guilty for making people choose between running w a belly full of donuts and AnalyticsCamp? :-) #acampnc | 05FEB2010:10:42:38 |
 | Anyone want to run the Kripsy Kreme Challenge and didn't register? DM me for mine, I'll be at @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc instead. | 05FEB2010:10:39:06 |
 | What is the weather? Driving in from Nashville. #acampnc | 05FEB2010:10:35:30 |
 | RT @jeffreylcohen: Good luck to runners in tomorrow's @Krispy_Kreme Challenge in Raleigh. I'll be at @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc / Me Too! | 05FEB2010:10:34:37 |
 | @Anj121 I'm good with numbers, I just have no idea what I will learn besides what the word analytics means. #acampnc | 05FEB2010:10:23:48 |
 | @JayDolan When I told my husband I was going he laughed in my face,"you are not a numbers person." true No analytics at my new job! #acampnc | 05FEB2010:10:14:11 |
 | @JayDolan It's not all advanced. We should have some good 101 sessions, too. #acampnc | 05FEB2010:10:02:07 |
 | @mbagrrl I'm beginning to get nervous this might be over my head. #acampnc | 05FEB2010:10:00:40 |
 | Good luck to runners in tomorrow's Krispy Kreme Challenge in Raleigh. I'll be at @AnalyticsCamp #acampnc | 05FEB2010:09:38:26 |
 | Don't miss the @AnalyticsCamp meetup tonight in Cary: http://bit.ly/b7lT6E #acampnc | 05FEB2010:09:20:36 |
 | RT @VarshaChawla: Who's braving the weather w/ us tonight? #acampnc tweetup tonight @ 7! Keep track of tweets: http://bit.ly/9SOMsp | 05FEB2010:09:18:25 |
 | @gilliatt Looking forward to keeping up with #acampnc tomorrow http://bit.ly/7vxxRe | 05FEB2010:09:09:37 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp: If you're snowed in tomorrow, you could follow the activity at #acampnc. #measure | 05FEB2010:09:05:40 |
 | If you're snowed in tomorrow, you could follow the activity at #acampnc. #measure | 05FEB2010:09:03:28 |
 | RT @JayDolan: Do I need a laptop for Analytics Camp? Can I get away with paper and pen and iPhone? #acampnc << Your call. :-) | 05FEB2010:09:02:18 |
 | Cool tool! RT @VarshaChawla: #acampnc meetup tonight @ 7! Easy way to keep track of tweets: http://bit.ly/9SOMsp | 05FEB2010:09:00:17 |
 | If you plan to lead a session tomorrow, is it on the wiki yet? http://bit.ly/7vxxRe #acampnc | 05FEB2010:09:00:12 |
 | Do I need a laptop for Analytics Camp? Can I get away with paper and pen and iPhone? #acampnc | 05FEB2010:08:59:09 |
 | Who's braving the weather with us tonight? #acampnc meetup tonight @ 7! Easy way to keep track of tweets: http://bit.ly/9SOMsp | 05FEB2010:08:47:05 |
 | RT @ikongsgf: AnalyticsCamp is a go!!RT@AnalyticsCamp reminders and last-minute info have gone out to registered participants. #acampnc | 04FEB2010:18:12:27 |
 | Woo hoo! Weather event or otherwise, @AnalyticsCamp is still ON for this weekend - #acampnc | 04FEB2010:16:40:32 |
 | RT @ikongsgf: AnalyticsCamp is a go!! RT @AnalyticsCamp reminders and last-minute info have gone out to registered participants. #acampnc | 04FEB2010:16:37:10 |
 | RT @ikongsgf: AnalyticsCamp is a go!! RT @AnalyticsCamp reminders and last-minute info have gone out to registered participants. #acampnc | 04FEB2010:16:28:39 |
 | RT @AnalyticsCamp If you're missing #acampnc because of snow, look for AnalyticsCamp DC announcements as soon as we line up a host school. | 04FEB2010:16:28:25 |
 | AnalyticsCamp is a go!! RT @AnalyticsCamp reminders and last-minute info have gone out to registered participants. #acampnc | 04FEB2010:16:27:07 |
 | Attending AnalyticsCamp or the meetup tomorrow? A super easy way to keep up with the #acampnc tweets: http://bit.ly/cLKDbm | 04FEB2010:16:21:10 |
 | I hate when I forget the tag #acampnc - keep the snow away, please. Looking forward to a full day @analyticscamp | 04FEB2010:16:15:57 |
 | Working with the other volunteer organizers to wrap up @AnalyticsCamp prep for this Saturday. #acampnc | 04FEB2010:15:04:13 |
 | AnalyticsCamp meetup this Friday 2/5. #acampnc http:// bit.ly/d3pa6j | 04FEB2010:10:10:05 |
 | RT: AnalyticsCamp meetup this Friday 2/5. #acampnc http:// bit.ly/d3pa6j | 03FEB2010:17:18:29 |
 | Get your ticket to the AnalyticsCamp meetup this Friday http://bit.ly/98B2rZ Create a free alert for #acampnc http://bit.ly/cLKDbm | 03FEB2010:15:19:11 |
 | RT @theRab AnalyticsCamp Meetup Friday, Feb 5, a pre-event meetup. http://idek.net/103w #acampnc | 03FEB2010:14:45:05 |